Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: engineerkyle on August 31, 2007, 09:11:39 AM

Title: Scenery adive sought...
Post by: engineerkyle on August 31, 2007, 09:11:39 AM

Say, I posted this on another train forum. I’m looking for advice on how to complete this derrick scene.

The cone of sand is just that, I found a metal cone with a profile I liked, and painted it with tan, flat latex. Then I sifted beach sand over it.



After gluing the cone and other structures to a board, I put a thick coat of paint on the base board and sifted sand over the rest. I like the way the sand gathered around, but I know that when I shake off the loosen sand, those lovely dunes will be gone.

My plan is to spray it with window cleaner to break up the surface tension, then soak it with 50/50 white glue, ala ballasting. I’ll bet there’s a quarter inch of sand under that derrick. Will gluing it this way work? Will the sand glob up when I spray it? I don’t want to ruin it.

Thanks in advance...

Title: Re: Scenery adive sought...
Post by: Guilford Guy on August 31, 2007, 09:59:38 AM
If you use rubbing alcohol in an eye dropper(logn and tedious), and then spray it lightly with whiteglue/water(horizontally so that the mixture lightly mists and falls it should make a crusty outer coating. You can then go back a day or two later and soak the whole thing thoroughly it should work. Try that on a smaller scale one first.