Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => HO => Topic started by: Scott1943 on January 14, 2012, 03:06:55 PM

Title: Bachmann #44139 & #44140 DCC switches
Post by: Scott1943 on January 14, 2012, 03:06:55 PM
I am changing my layout from using the Bachmann remote switches to the DCC types.  I have not bought a train control yet but I am looking at the Digitrax Zephyr xtra.  Is it going to be easy to work the switches and if so how do I set up the switches?  Or should I buy a Bachmann train control?  If so, which one?  At the most I would probably have up to 4 trains running on dual tracks.   My 7 engines are 45 plus years old and decoders are being installed in the engines that can handle the decoder.  I just order the Bachmann #46299 turntable to work with my E-Z track. Any other help would be most appreciative.
Title: Re: Bachmann #44139 & #44140 DCC switches
Post by: Reinhard S on January 14, 2012, 06:25:21 PM

I as well have the Bachmann DCC switches (total of 22) with, at this time, 8 locomotives with sound and DCC and 1 locomotive with just DCC using the MRC Prodigy Advanced 2.  Programming and using the switches is very easy with this system, however, I am not familiar with the Digitrax or Bachmann systems.  I needed to include an 8 AMP power booster since the draw from the locomotives ( 4 running) and the switches was too much for the 3.5 AMP's provided by the standard system.  With the power booster my empire is running without fault.

All the best.

Title: Re: Bachmann #44139 & #44140 DCC switches
Post by: Reinhard S on January 15, 2012, 11:36:12 AM

The DCC switches already come with the decoder.  Take them out of the box, incorporate them into your track plan, program them according to the instructions provided with your DCC system and you are ready to go.  Just make sure that the DCC system you are thinking of purchasing will support DCC accessory decoders and also provide enough decoder addresses for further future expansion.

All the best.

Title: Re: Bachmann #44139 & #44140 DCC switches
Post by: jward on January 15, 2012, 01:50:03 PM
keep in mind that you don't have to control the switches by dcc to run trains with dcc. you can keep the existing setup of using the dc power pack's ac terminals to control the switches, and still use the power pack as a "jump" throttle with the zephyr. i am currently doing this on my layout, as i find it easier to keep track of which way the switches are thrown if they are not decoder equipped. this is a personal preference, and i have mentioned it to show you have other options with dcc.