is anyone having trouble with 'slipping loco drive wheels' on ez track???? am i missing something. i recently purchased two older AHM engines,and i have some older bachman locos...all slip whether i have cars attached or please?
EZ track is the same as any other track it just has roadbed attached. If there slipping on EZ track they will probably slip on other tracks.
First check your loco's wheels, are you missing the traction tires?(steam) Track to oily?
What and if any track grade?
More info on what type of loco's track design etc. will help.
I'm sorry but your name makes me wonder if your locomotives are slipping because you are pouring on the power to locomotives which are in front of heavy trains. You will most certainly get wheel slippage in that case, just like the real railroads. They, and you, can actually start faster by applying less power. It's like driving on ice without traction control: Your wheels can be spinning at 150 mph but your car isn't going anywhere except possibly around in circles.
If you aren't using full power at all times, then I suggest heeding the earlier responses about traction tires and oily rails or wheels.
Incidentally, full speed on most out-of-the-box model locomotives is much, much higher than those locomotives could ever have gone in real life, as much as twice the prototype's speed.
-- D
thanks for the replies...i did not provide enough info first time pitch or uphill on layout..all level.i dont like full power starts...or high speed trains....i have an older throttle pac with pulse...which used to work very nice with my "other brand flywheel driven" locos. i prefer low power starts...more realism....and no,the slipping locos have no traction tires...all diesels...i do not even see a ring where there ever was any.the two engines in question are RSO switchers....very heavy for thier size...and they slip with or without freight. i also have a dual motor 44 tonner...same thing. i recently purchased some liquid traction maker....worked quite well for one switcher....maybe i need it for all of them. thanks again :)
Okay. I apologize for my perhaps implied accusation of excessively heavy throttle use.
Given all of the new information you supplied I have to assume that there is lubricant on your rails as nothing else would seem to account for the problem. I suppose you could have a very improbable coincidence such that both locos have slipping gears but then I wouldn't expect much improvement with Bullfrog Snot. You should most definitely NOT need BFS to make large heavy locos without trains move on straight, level track.
-- D
yeah i've checked for oil....and ran a light scour pad over rails. the 44 tonner is a bachman spectrum#41-0804-14 ...maybe i will go look up parts list and see if they have those traction tires for that model.thanks again for the input!!!oh and no offense taken here Doneldon... ;)
So your track is flat and level and it slips without pulling a load...
Are sure ALL the wheels are turning?
something has to be holding the loco in place, maybe a coupler wire hanging down?
The OP wrote:
Quote. . . i recently purchased two older AHM engines,and i have some older bachman locos...all slip whether i have cars attached or not . . .
While I agree with NM's assessment, would that mean
all his (4 or 5) engines have something hanging down or . . . ???
This just doesn't make sense.
How about posting a picture of all your equipment that is suffering from slipping?
Happy RRing,
Why would you run a scour pad over the rails instead of a cloth to remove any oil?
i used lifelike track cleaner get track clean of any oil residue......then followed up with abrasive pad for shiny clean rail. in the meantime, i took one loco apart and found a broken wire on front powered least now i know why the 44 tonner was i just wonder about the 4 wheel single motor units........havin fun now... :o
one thing is for certain....i need to put all the info here when i post. thanks again for all your kind input!!! :)