Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => HO => Topic started by: Morgun 30 on August 02, 2011, 04:30:20 PM

Title: problem with EMD loco
Post by: Morgun 30 on August 02, 2011, 04:30:20 PM
New member with a question. I've already received a lot of useful info by using the search function, but haven't found the answer to this one.

Got the rail king set in December, loco has started to make a grinding sound if speed is reduced quickly. When speed is reduced slowly, light flickers off and then on and loco surges forward briefly as if control is at full open. User fix, or ship to Bach for repair?  Thanks, Morgun
Title: Re: problem with EMD loco
Post by: Jim Banner on August 02, 2011, 10:22:24 PM
Grinding sounds when slowing down quickly could be the wheels skidding along the rails.  Model trains usually use worm gear speed reduction between the motor and the axles it drives.  Worm gears are happy when the motor is driving the wheels but tend to lock up when the wheels try driving the motor.  This usually happens when going down steep hills or stopping quickly with a long train.  The motor slows or stops but the momentum of the train keeps pushing the locomotive.  The wheels cannot turn the motor so they slide along the track.  If this is the problem, keeping the gears and motor end bearings lubricated will help.  Slowing your train down gradually, just like a real train, should also help.  Please note that this is only one possible cause of grinding noises.

The light flicker and locomotive surge when slowing down gradually sound more like a power pack problem than a locomotive problem.  I would suggest borrowing another power pack and seeing if that fixes the problem.  Alternately, if you have a local hobby shop or model train club, take your locomotive to one of them and ask them to test run it including slowing it down gradually.  If there is no one locally who can help you, try testing the power pack directly with a small, dashboard type 12 volt automotive bulb.  A #57 bulb is a good choice.  Connect it to the track output of your power pack or to the rails of the track.  Turn up your power pack and turn it down slowly.  The bulb should light gradually and smoothly and dim and turn off the same way.  If the problem turns out to be your power pack, your best bet would be to return it to Bachmann for repair/replacement.

Title: Re: problem with EMD loco
Post by: ebtnut on August 03, 2011, 05:15:30 PM
I would also check to make sure the wheels are clean on the loco.  Intermittent contact due to dirty wheels can also cause some of these problems.  In the short run, if the wheels are dirty you can clean them with some alcohol and a Q-tip.  You'll need to use the power pack to turn the wheels a bit to make sure you get all of the treads clean.  Kadee makes a wheel cleaner that consists of a brass brush which is hooked up to the power pack.  When you touch the brass bristles to the wheels they power up and the brush cleans the wheels as they spin. 
Title: Re: problem with EMD loco
Post by: Morgun 30 on August 06, 2011, 06:15:13 PM
Thanks Jim and ebtnut, I had to set the track stuff aside as we are havinng new windows put in and likely will not be able to get back to it until the middle of next week. Will check and advise, Thanks again, Morgun.
Title: Re: problem with EMD loco
Post by: CNE Runner on August 07, 2011, 10:46:17 AM
Ebnut - The Kadee wheel cleaner does a good job for those 'between thorough' cleanings; but doesn't get all the 'gunk' off the wheels. Every week I clean the wheels, on the GE 45-Ton, with the Kadee device. Once a month (more if I sense there is a problem) I use a paper towel, soaked in ACT 6006, and 'run' one set of trucks at a time. The use of both of these products seems to keep Monks' Island Ry. #4 running in top shape.

Title: Re: problem with EMD loco ( Fixed 08/12, speed controller was the problem)
Post by: Morgun 30 on August 13, 2011, 05:21:12 PM
Yep, It looks like the problem was the speed controller. Borrowed a power pack from the local hobby shop & rr club and it everything worked like it should. Thanks for the replies, Morgun
Title: Re: problem with EMD loco
Post by: Doneldon on August 14, 2011, 01:59:46 AM

What kind of power pack do you have? Many, particularly those which came/come with train sets, aren't worth sending in for repair. If that's what you have, check ebay. You'll find a ton of new train set power packs (not just Bachmann) for a song. If you have a good power pack it might be worth repairing. Let us know what you have.
                                               -- D
Title: Re: problem with EMD loco
Post by: Morgun 30 on August 14, 2011, 08:50:21 AM
Yep, it's the standard one that came in the Bachmann sets. Didn't think that it was going to be worth the money to send in. Was thinking that I would get a new one and see if I could still use this one to power the turnouts.
Title: Re: problem with EMD loco
Post by: Doneldon on August 14, 2011, 06:31:19 PM

Don't buy the pack from a regular retail store. The list price
is incredibly high. Instead, buy a new one removed from a
train set on ebay.
                                         -- D