Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: mraye777 on January 27, 2011, 11:50:13 AM

Title: Train Values
Post by: mraye777 on January 27, 2011, 11:50:13 AM
Hello.Does anyone know how do you find out the value of your trains?
Title: Re: Train Values
Post by: jonathan on January 27, 2011, 12:08:14 PM

It has been my experience, so far, that the only pieces that are tracked regularly are brass models.  There are books you can buy (for around $50US) that describe brass models, their original asking price, and what they are valued at now. sells a book like this.  The common term, I believe, is "The Brown Book."

As far as our wonderful, plastic models, you can check eBay and see what your pieces are going for these days. I think you'll find that most pieces go for very little cost.  There have been so many improvements over the years, the older stuff just isn't that desirable, accept for sentimental value.

I don't collect Lionel (if O Scale is your thing), but I seem to remember there are books out that describe Lionel collector pieces.  These would be early, rare pieces that hold value only with their original packing boxes and nothing missing.

Not much to go on, I know, but others may have better knowledge.

You didn't mention scale, or, what kind of models you have.  That would give one a ballpark figure to start with.



P.S.  In HO scale, if you have a Penn Line Crusader (complete in the box), look forward to paying for a nice vacation. :)  Those babies are rare, man.
Title: Re: Train Values
Post by: ACY on January 27, 2011, 01:18:08 PM
They have price guides for Lionel, American Flyer, and brass, and beyond that go by ebay, trainshows, and other things like that.
Title: Re: Train Values
Post by: 4-8-4unionpacific on February 06, 2011, 05:16:46 PM
I have a 4-8-4 union pacific that's missind a cow catcher and has been cleaned twice a month for 3 years and am wondering how much it would go for if anyone knows and its ho scale plus during a move the draw bar to the tender has a piece snapped off so Ive used a twisty to hold the tender to the locomotive.the locomotive is capable of pulling up to 15 cars that have not been custom weighted and have plastic wheels.
Title: Re: Train Values
Post by: ACY on February 06, 2011, 05:29:44 PM
Probably $30-$35 due to the damage and missing pieces.
Title: Re: Train Values
Post by: Doneldon on February 06, 2011, 08:43:10 PM

I wouldn't count on the Brown Book. It's seriously out of
date. However, there is a brass price guide which was
published only about two years ago.
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