ok I have not been on here in a few months and I'm sure this question has come up but cant find it...I have the ez command...is there a steam engine dcc with sound that will work with the ez command, seems like I remember that there is only 1 option on sound... the one that is currently programmed . we currently have a 4-4-0 , 2-8-0 , and a 2-8-4 ...would like a diff comfiguration...is there one that would word...gonna get a more advanced dcc controller b4 long or would it be easier to add sound to an existing engine
The E-Z command will only let you activate like 8 sound effects out of the 20 most sound decoders have, and the E-Z Command cannot change any CVs pertaining to sounds like different bells, whistles, chuff rate, etc...
I thought that the ez command would only control 1 sound but 8 is cool ... so will any dcc w/sound work that way and if so what would be a good one that will pull a good size train
max maxx-
The EZ DCC system doesn't care who manufactured the locomotive or decoder. It just sends packets of information out on the track which the locomotives use to set speed, direction, lights and sound. The EZ Command is a rudimentary unit which allows no programming other than address, and which can control a limited number of sound and lighting effects. It also has limited power, low enough that you might even have trouble operating two sound locos simultaneously, especially if they are larger ones. You can substantially increase the power output with a booster but you'd still have limited sound and light effects control. If you want to run more than two locomotives, are using track power for passenger car lights or are controlling turnouts with track power, you'll surely need more power and you will find it cheaper to go to a different DCC system than to go with a new booster for the EZ Command system.
-- D
I can currently run two powered deisels pulling 30 cars with two passenger trains parked on the rails with lights on ... the New York Central and the Acela Express so i really dont see the addition of a speaker in one steamer causing that much drain...currently have 7 locos powered and 7 passenger cars all on the track all the time....just want a sound loco for my little engineer
I am pretty sure with all that on the track at one time that the sound train will put it over the edge and cause an overload, you have no idea how much one of those locos draws, you may be able to run one other DCC loco, but add the 2nd and that may be too much.
The rule of thumb is one sound-equipped engine uses about the same power as two non-sound DCC engines. If two or three engines can run together using your system, you should be fine running sound.
Most sound decoders sounds like steam blow-off and such are automatic. If you can activate F0 (lights) F1 (bell) and F2 (whistle/horn), that's really about all you need. However, without programming, you won't be able to change sounds like choose a different whistle or adjust the chuff rate - some engines come with a sound cam so the chuffs are timed to the rotation of the drivers, but Bachmann/Spectrum ones don't so you have to adjust it using the CV's or live with it being a bit off.
If you buy the engine at a local hobby shop, they may be willing to do some programming for you to get it the way you want it??