Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => HO => Topic started by: Edo on September 08, 2010, 10:24:57 PM

Title: Connectors
Post by: Edo on September 08, 2010, 10:24:57 PM
I have an older F7A that I am about to re-power.
I would like to place a Sound Decoder and speaker(s) in the 'B' unit.
Where can I find a set of connectors to join the two units.
I converted a Spectrum loco to DCC and there were two connectors between loco and tender = I need something similar - any ideas?  Thank you.
Title: Re: Connectors
Post by: Doneldon on September 09, 2010, 01:59:54 AM

The reasons there are electrical connections between steam engines and their tenders is that the tenders have electrical pick-ups and the DCC or sound decoders are located there.  You don't need such a connection for your F7A because it already has power pick-ups of its own.  If you use the same address for a sound decoder in the B unit as for a control DCC decoder in the A unit you will be able to operate both together without having to fuss with connections between the two.  On the other hand, you might want to go to all wheel pick-up with you DCC/sound decoder.  In that case you would need micro plugs and sockets unless you choose to wire the locos together permanently.  In either case, use the most limp wire you can find to avoid derailing problems.  You can find the connectors at Radio Shack or any well-stocked hobby shop.

A comment, however: You mentioned that you have an "older" loco.  If it is really old, and certainly if it has Athearn's so-called Hi-F (aka rubber band) drive, remotoring and installing DCC/sound will be a total waste of time and money.  Make sure that you have a well-running DC locomotive before you consider going to DCC.  Putting DCC in a poor runner only means that you'll have a poor running DCC loco.

Good luck with your project.  I hope I haven't excessively rained on your parade.
                                                                                                                                                    -- D
Title: Re: Connectors
Post by: Jim Banner on September 09, 2010, 12:58:03 PM
Perhaps Edo's B-unit is a dummy without pickup wheels.  There are advantages to having a sound car operate as a stand alone unit, for example you can then run it with whatever powered unit you want to run with sound.  Depending of what DCC system Edo is using, he may be able to assign the sound car its own unique address and then mu it with the powered unit(s) using decoder based or command station based consisting, i.e. without have to remove anything from the track to do it.

Drawing power from the powered unit may be an easier solution, particularly initially, and does have the advantage, as Donalddon mentioned, of many pickup wheels.

Title: Re: Connectors
Post by: Edo on September 09, 2010, 02:40:27 PM
Thank you Don and Jim.
Let me expand a bit.
The F7A is probably 30+ years old. It is part of a 5 car UP Daylight train which is the Jr. Eng.'s favourite and runs really well.
I converted it to DCC and now want to add sound.
The stall current of the motor is 2 Amps and I cannot find a chip that will handle that current.
I have located a replacement motor but, with the weights, there is not much room in the A unit - hence wanting to install the electronics in the B unit. Since the power pickup is in the A unit I will need to connect the power from and the control to the A unit.
I will look at Radio Shack for miniature connectors - thanks for the suggestion!
Title: Re: Connectors
Post by: Edo on September 09, 2010, 07:24:49 PM
I think I have found what I need at:
appreciate the help.
Title: Re: Connectors
Post by: Doneldon on September 10, 2010, 06:31:42 PM

Large-scale decoders can handle the current.  Your motor might put a real load on your system, however, limiting how many locos you can run while the oldie is operating.
                                                                                                   -- D
Title: Re: Connectors
Post by: Edo on September 10, 2010, 09:15:18 PM
Hi  --D
I plan to re-power with a newer motor that should alleviate the current draw problem.
I also found the proper connector at WWW.DCCINSTALLSANDSALES.COM