Has anybody built the Bachmann Spectrum Sears catalog house? Is adding the basement worth it, or is it best to build it without the full basement? (In other words, can it be built so the house can be removed to view the basement? )
What I was doing, I built the house. next to it I am going to build the basement as a house being built. I really don't know why anyone would want to build the house with a basement that you could not see. Now you could have it where you go over and remove the house so you can show off the basement, with a model railroad layout in it. The way I look at it , it is better to let people find things on their own rather than you saying "look what I did"
That was sort of my idea, The house belongs to the mine super for JP #6 and GP #3. I'm not sure he'd be a model railroader. <g>
Where do I find the info on these houses? I looked in the products area, to no avail...
You can only find the kit at train shows or maybe e-Bay. It's been out of production for years now. It's a shame, as their Spectrum kit line was quite nice.
OK. Thanks!
ebay had it early for about 45 bucks
This has nothing to do with the model, but I think it is interesting. A few year back my wife noticed in the Tulsa World a story about a Sear's house in a small town. Our daughter, who at the time was restoring a 150 year old house in N.C., was home on vacation. They thought it would be interesting to go and see if we could find it. We just want to see it from the out side. We found it and the lady who lived there told us to come in and she would give us a tour. It turned out that she was about 90 years old and her father ordered and built the house. She said there was only one board that was cut wrong.
here's 2: