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Discussion Boards => HO => Topic started by: bobv on October 30, 2009, 07:15:41 PM

Title: GE Dash 7 B23/B30 dcc upgrade
Post by: bobv on October 30, 2009, 07:15:41 PM
Wondering if anyone out there ever upgraded a dc Dash-7 B23/B30 to dcc and what decoders fit it.
I really like this old engine and would like to run it on my dcc layout
Title: Re: GE Dash 7 B23/B30 dcc upgrade
Post by: Nigel on October 30, 2009, 10:58:39 PM
It is just like this one: (
Title: Re: GE Dash 7 B23/B30 dcc upgrade
Post by: bobv on October 31, 2009, 05:30:19 PM
Thanks Nigel
My unit doesn't have the split chassis, it has a solid frame.  Also on top there is a different circuit board with 2 brass/copper strips that cotnact the frame for the lights
Title: Re: GE Dash 7 B23/B30 dcc upgrade
Post by: jward on October 31, 2009, 08:23:05 PM
is this the locomotive you have?

if this is it, you have a job ahead of you. for one thing, it appears that the motor is not isolated from the frame, a must for dcc. if you look at the diagram, the right side of the locomotive picks up through contact strips that rub the underside of the frame. you'll have to find some other way of picking up power off that side of the locomotive. the diagram also shows the motor secured to the frame by "screw holders" which i suspect are metal and would also need to be insulated from the frame.

it appears to me that you'd need to find a way to duplicate the pickup bar and wire shown in the diagram on the right side of the locomotive, for the left side, and run the wire from those pickups to the bottom of the motor. i would also eliminate the circuit board and run new leads from the tops of the trucks to the top of the motor. once you have insulated the motor and run those new pickups, a basic install of the decoder would involve cutting the leads from the trucks to the motor and inserting the decoder there. red & black wires on the decoder would connect to the trucks, orange & grey wires to the motor.....i don't know if you'll be able to clip the circuit board and salvage the headlights in the manner of the previous link to the decoder install for the h16-44. but that would be worth looking into.....

Title: Re: GE Dash 7 B23/B30 dcc upgrade
Post by: bobv on November 02, 2009, 02:38:43 PM
Yes this is plan for my loco.  Maybe it would b ebetter to leave this as a DC only loco- a new DCC version is only about $45.
Appreciate everyones help.