Which is your fav bachmann thomas?

Started by Shiney red dude, July 07, 2009, 06:00:26 AM

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Shiney red dude

I know its a stupid question to post XD but i was just wondering who likes which bachmann thomas most of all  ;)

My fav Bachmann Thomas model has to be Emily because of how beautifully made she is. Then my second fav model has to be James

so then everyone whats your fav model? ???
The shiney red dude never does dirty work!!!


All I want is, Stepney, Boco, Harvey.

Anthony P2



This is how i got my name and i hope that you guys like it.

youtube account



In all due respect, I love the Percy model, second place goes to Edward. No offence.
Ok, so I return after 3 years, and guess what, I have no railways. FAIL


shining time

long live the GWR, LNER, and the narrow gauge railways

Santa Fe buff

1. Thomas
2. Thomas with a hat.
3. Thomas in the snow.
4. Thomas and his plow.
5. Mashed potatoes.
6. N&W Northern J-Class 4-8-4 Streamlined Hudson.
7. Did I mention Thomas?
8. Hows about them potatoes?

That's about it.

- Joshua Bauer

The Chaz Storm

Well aside from the issues with Thomas, Percy, and James here is the order of the models that I currently own (Sold my Emily model recently) on how much I like them:
1. Toby
2. Spencer (Selling now...)
3. Edward
4. Henry
5. Gordon
6. Mavis


Why are you selling your models. You were very eager to get Emily.
All I want is, Stepney, Boco, Harvey.

The Chaz Storm

Well I really need the money for starters, and second off I plan on only having characters from the Seasons 1-5.  So I sold some of the models I wanted to get rid of for some extra money, so all I have left are an extra Hornby Diesel I got and a Hornby Bear (With a missing part) on hold, and a Bachmann Spencer left. 

Plus I've been interested in getting more realistic American models (Such as Athern, Atlas, etc). :)  Once I finish my layout remodelling I'll be sure to post pictures of them if you are interested. 



Quote from: Chaz on July 14, 2009, 10:09:48 PM
Well I really need the money for starters, and second off I plan on only having characters from the Seasons 1-5.  So I sold some of the models I wanted to get rid of for some extra money, so all I have left are an extra Hornby Diesel I got and a Hornby Bear (With a missing part)
Yeah you better not sell em.  :P

The Chaz Storm

Don't worry Sparks, the Hornby Diesel and Hornby Bear are on hold for you as I've said on MSN.  They aren't going anywhere. :P