info on locomotive cyclopedias

Started by nickco201, April 10, 2009, 11:50:56 AM

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 Hey I was wondering which locomotive cylcoledia  is the one to have.     There is this one:
Model Railroader Cyclopedia, Volume 1: Steam Locomotives
By Linn H. Westcott
and volume 2 which covers diesels.
Then there is the one from mainline modelers called " Locomotive Cyclopedia" vol 1 and 2.
Which are the better ones ?



Search for those books. There might be some reviews.


Woody Elmore

The  Locomotive Cyclopedia. Volume 1, published by Kalmbach has lots of steam engine plans. I have been told that some of the data is wrong but this is piddling when compared to wealth of information available in the book.

As for their second volume - I refuse to accept the fact that there are such tings as diesel locomotives so why would I buy a book about them. Seriously, I've leafed through the second edition and it seems to be as thorough as the first.


Real Locomotive Cyclopedias were published by Simmons-Boardman every few years from about 1890-1950. Kalmbach reprinted the 1941 version around 1970. Which one you want would depend on the era you model. I acquired an original 1941 version on eBay that was originally used by a GN mechanical officer.

You will learn more than you thought was possible about steam, Diesel, and electric power from these.


 Hey thanks!!
   I primarily model the SRR, ET&WNC, and N&W. Over the last two years  I have been scratch building a 7.5 inch gauge coal fired live steam locotmotive- a Southern Ps-4 4-6-2. and WOW I've learned so much about steam locomotive design. I plan to do a N&W  A and a southern Ks-1 2-8-0 at some point. I like having the books for reference, especially the stuff you dont see in a normal train book. I have a good number of Ps-4 drawings. The appliances and such are a bit sketchy though..
      - Andrew