Bachmann EZ Command Instructions

Started by Yampa Bob, March 31, 2009, 01:45:29 AM

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Yampa Bob

We continue to see reports of EZ Command users having problems changing the default address of their locomotives. This is primarily due to an error in the EZ Command manual. (top of page 3).

DO NOT attempt to press or release the default address button and the stop button at the same time.  There is a specific sequence which must be followed exactly. Corrected instructions can be found here:

Scroll down to "Assigning a locomotive to a new address". Also read the note immediately below the instructions regarding "Service Mode Decoder Lock".

To emphasize the correct sequence is:

Press and Hold the default address button.(#3 for a new locomotive or newly installed decoder)
Press and Release the stop button.
Release the default address button.
Press and release the desired address button. (for example #1)(loco will move slightly)
Press and release the stop button. (to exit program mode)

In the example above, #1 is now the new address. To change to another address, substitute #1 in the instructions. (or whatever number you previously assigned). Before changing an address, always run the loco a short ways to verify the current address and bring loco to a complete stop. 

The DVD supplied with EZ Command shows the correct sequence. I don't know if the instructions have been corrected for current EZ Command controllers. The DVD also has instructions for setting up two or more locomotives in consist.

Locomotives to be run in consist should be reasonably matched in speed. Best way I've found is to place two locomotives halfway around the track from each other, either on the same address or on a DC powered track, and run them full throttle. If it takes 8-10 laps before one catches the other, I consider them well speed matched. I usually put the faster one up front to keep the couplers extended.

*NOTE: The following is based on my personal experience and thus far appears to be general consensus, but has not been documented by Bachmann Industries or other users of EZ Command, (nor has the information been disputed). Use your own judgment in this regard.

*You should unplug the AC Wall Pack Power Supply from the wall receptacle before placing or removing a locomotive. Failure to do so may result in a decoder losing its address, due to a short or "make/break" pulses that may occur during rerailing.

For convenience, I have a switch controlled power strip attached to the side of the layout, with the power supply plugged into the strip. As a visual reminder, I have a 12 volt grain of wheat bulb affixed to an unpowered track tester in the yard.

In the event of a lost address, if the locomotive will not respond to buttons 1-9, then follow the instructions at the bottom of page 3 in the manual: "...previously assigned (or unknown) addresses". (note that this requires the locomotive to be placed on a live track, so be careful not to create a short while rerailing.)

There appears to be several conflicting, erroneous and/or ambiguous instructions in the printed instruction manual, DVD, online instructions, and online FAQ, which are probably best to address as questions arise.

I know what I wrote, I don't need a quote
Rule Number One: It's Our Railroad.  Rule Number Two: Refer to Rule Number One.