Adding a decoder to a 0-6-0 Loco

Started by MarkS, March 10, 2009, 07:56:22 PM

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I recently purchased a Bachmann Spectrum 0-6-0 saddle tank switcher which is said to be DCC ready. Before I take it apart to add a decoder, does anyone know if it has the socket preinsatlled or will I be doing some soldering?


You will need to do some soldering.


My Spectrum 0-6-0T came with a 9 pin JST connector and the DC adapter. "Maybe" a small JST equipped decoder might fit.. I removed the JST connector in mine.

Here is an installation suggestion.

I have a PDF document I found how someone installed a DSD-090LC decoder and speaker. Quite a challenge.
If you are really eager, a Micro-Tsunami would fit. It is a little smaller than the DSD.

You might snip the NMRA connector off of a suitable Bachmann decoder and solder the decoder in. Just follow the NMRA color code. Make sure to record which colored wires go to each terminal when removing the JST connector if yours has the connector.

Make sure you have a multimeter to check for shorts after installing the decoder. I do not know what your level of experience is.
