HenryBlue's 5 009 Skarloey engines

Started by HenryBlue, December 14, 2007, 01:33:47 PM

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Quote from: HenryBlue on December 14, 2007, 01:33:47 PM
Here are the Pics of my Skarloey railway locos with i have made in 009 scale out of n scale chassis

This is my 'done list' :P

No1 Skarloey
No2 Rheneas
No3 Sir Handel
No4 Peter Sam
No5 Rusty

No6 Duncan
No7 Ivo Hugh
No8 Duke
No-  Mighty Mac
No-  Freddie

Those are the only ones on my list because 1 Dont have the space on my layouts for engines that dont need to be there

Here are the pics anyway:

Nice Skarloey engine models. When are you going to do the rest?

Chessie Sys. 3022


The Chaz Storm

Long story short, he got in a fight with another member and both of them ended up getting banned.


Jock The New Engine

AND the person who fought with HenryBlue was FrogPullingTeam (unfortunatly...)...
Jock is my favorite engine now, and in my Thomas world, he works on the Skarloey Railway with Frank, Skarloey, Rheneas, etc. since he & Frank are the only Small Railway engines ever made in Ertl diecast.

The Chaz Storm

Dude, did you really need to say that?  We really need to get back on topic!