Thomas & Friends Circuit Board Thing-And it's Purpose.

Started by T-95, February 21, 2008, 10:21:30 PM

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Does anybody know what those circuit boards screwed on the cabs of the engines are for? And would it do any harm if these were removed and replaced with a decoder if one decides to go DCC?

the Bach-man

Dear T,
The circuit board makes the eyes move at a constant speed regardless of speed.
Have fun!
the Bach-man

sour rails

     Yes, without the circuit board, the eyes would move as fast as the loco. :D
Sometimes, true greatness comes in small packages.  ~Sour Rails

Nickel Plate Road~Resurgence

8) 8) Sour Rails 8) 8) [move]


my eyes adjust with the spped of the loco if it goes slow they go slow too same with fast its like that for all my models
All I want is, Stepney, Boco, Harvey.


They don't go as fast as the wheels,though.'course,I plan to alter my models
to have radio-controlled eyes.

Diesel #261

"Shaking and spluttering, the diesel stopped."

Guilford Guy

A few companies make an RC DCC system, where the throttle is wireless. If the eyes are set to say Function 4, when you press F-4 it will cause the eyes to spin, pressing again turns them off. To have an RC control just for the eyes will demand a lot of space.