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Is Item #11411 2-8-0 DCC Ready?

Started by TheTrainRev, March 15, 2025, 05:39:01 PM

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Hi Everyone

Newbie here on this forum!

I recently bought a "used" Bachmann Consolidated 2-8-0 item# 11411 and will be installing a TSU-2200 Steam-2 decoder in it.

I notice there is an 8-pin receptacle on the mother board in the tender. Does anyone know if that item is DCC ready, please?

Obviously, I don't to make an assumption that could trash my decoder!

Any help/info would be greatly appreciated.




Someone more knowledgeable than I will have to elucidate in better detail, but if I'm not mistaken, many contemporary afterMarket decoders have graduated to a 21 pin plug.

There are many decoders available and you'll have to make your choice.  But I would suspect that in your case, a call to Soundtraxx Customer Service would serve you very well with explaining the eight pin plug, which appears to be outmoded technology, in relationship to what's available and what you might need to do to get your new decoder properly into your engine.  I've always had good experience with them and I think you'll come away informed.


According to info I found, this model was manufactured as DCC ready with the 8-pin socket in the tender. Info also places it about 25 yrs old. Good luck.


An 8-pin socket sounds like it's DCC ready for a motor control and light functions decoder only. Adding sound would be a bit more involved.

If at first you don't succeed, throw it in the spare parts box.


I have several DCC ready Bachmann with the 8 pin NMRA socket that you are talking about.  And I have installed TSU2-2200 in most of them.

You will need a 9-Pin JST to NMRA 8-Pin Wiring Harness Soundtraxx part number 810135. (Digitrax and TCS also make them).

On 2-8-0 it a tight fit you have to figure out the best place for the decoder. I move the decoder around till the tender shell fits back on with on gap between shell and frame. 

A SoundTraxx 28mm rounds speaker fits perfectly under the coal load.  Just pop the coal load out drill hole so the sound can escape and I hot glue the speaker in place and around the edge of the speak to seal to the coal load. 

You will also need to remove the yellow caps on the Bachmann board with the 8 pin socket.

The only soldering you will need to do is the speaker wires to speaker.
And pin 1 is at the socket end facing the front of the tender.

The slowest part of this installation is drilling the holes.

There are good instructions with pictures on TCS's website.  Go over these be before you start. 
This link for the Cap location and Pin 1 location.
This link for where to drill holes speaker placement.

Notes:  I always try to use the factor motherboard when I can. (to avoid extra work for lights, And to avoid cable issue between loco an tender. Some bachmann loco are sensitive to the cable length and position.)