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Bachmann FRED/EOD

Started by quark51, October 09, 2018, 11:54:37 PM

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Will the Bachmann FRED/EOD work on any Bachmann silver series rolling stock?

the Bach-man

Dear Quark,
It should work with any four-wheel truck freight car.
Have fun!
the Bach-man


Click Here    includes "It installs on" information.


Yes I have it on the back of a string of Tropicana reefers.

Rickenbacker 325

I have put mine on the 4 bay covered hoppers, all box cars and gondola's with load. The only one that it does not work on that I have tried is the 100 ton hoppers. Wishing it did. The little chip hits against the bay.


I'm using the FRED on a Walthers Amtrak MHC.  Because the MHC has a completely different (and unique) truck, I wired the circuit board to a battery- a 3v watch type disk battery.  The FRED lights nice and bright, but does not flash.  Any advice?