Truck Frame and Motor Mount Screws for a Williams GP9

Started by mdamico23, February 18, 2025, 03:07:20 PM

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Hi Folks- I am looking for the size of the mounting screws that one would use to attach the truck sideframes to the geared power truck of a Williams by Bachmann GP9. I am also looking for the size of the motor mount screw and washer, which attaches the vertical can motor to the GP9 truck. Does anyone know what size screws would do the job for both- mounting the sideframes to the truck, and the motor mount? Thanks so much...


Seems how you haven't deeply looked into it, there's screw and such in the parts dept. page, but not knowing what thet fit, it'd be a crapshoot!
Why don't you just take what you need to the hardware store and dig through the screw drawer, I guess that's too much to ask??????