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Started by Otis in Oak Cliff, January 30, 2025, 04:12:25 PM

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Otis in Oak Cliff

I purchased this new off of eBay.  I'm running DCC with a DigiTrax Zephyr Express DCS52.  I put it on my layout last night to check it out.  The loco runs fine.  There's a buzz which seems to be somewhat normal and could be addresses by upgrading the decoder based on what I've read in various forums.  If anyone has insight on that I'm interested in hearing it.

The primary reason for my post is that I can"t determine what functionality the loco has and what commands I should use.  This seems to be a basic/entry level model but I can't determine if it has lights, for example, and if it does how to turn them off and on.  I tried command 0-9 and nothing happened.  Maybe this loco just goes forward and backward?



The Zephyr should have buttons that turn the lights on and off. But the Zephyr doesn't like Bachmann decoders, and to program them you have to add a 1000 ohm resistor across the rails of your programming track. Do that, try a factory default reset of the decoder, and see if that helps.

As for the grinding noise, that seems to be normal for non sound Bachmann DCC locomotives. Every one I have does the same thing. I suspect the decoders don't have the "silent running" circuitry found in aftermarket decoders. These decoders also do not support certain CVs like the one that controls top speed.
Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA