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Double oval

Started by Model Railroad Mistress, January 04, 2025, 02:11:51 AM

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Model Railroad Mistress

Hello the forum, I'm starting up with N scale and want to build a double oval. However the curves are many with different radius and is somewhat daunting. Has anyone built one and could help out.Want to keep it on the small side due to a lack of space. Thank you.
Ride 'em like ya stole 'em!


As long as you keep the radius for each oval the same, you should be fine. I'm not going to mansplain radius vs diameter to you, just give your answer.
The smallest radius that Bachmann makes is the 11.25". Atlas makes a 9.75" radius that fits neatly inside.


The short answer is that N scale curves are usually made so the concentric curves are on 1 1/4" centers. Thus Atlas makes 9 3/4" and 11" radius curves. Bachmann curves are made in different radii but with similar spacing. My advice to you is to choose the largest diameter curve than will fit in your area, and use it for the outer loop. Use the next smaller radius for the inner loop.

When I was in N scale I designed my layout with 14" radius curves as a minimum. They were wide enough I could run just about anything on them. This a radius Bachmann makes. Where I had two tracks, the outer one was 15 1/4" radius. The Bachmann equivalent is 15 1/2" radius. Bachmann also makes a 12 1/2" radius curve that would fit nicely inside the 14" curve. I suggest these sizes based on personal experience. Sharper curves are not always better, and even long cars like autoracks and passenger cars worked well on those curves.
Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA

Model Railroad Mistress

Thank you bbmiroku for your information.
Ride 'em like ya stole 'em!

Model Railroad Mistress

Thank you jward for your information.
Ride 'em like ya stole 'em!