Help with old track/New Track

Started by jctroutstream, December 05, 2024, 11:49:44 AM

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I bought a vintage "Heritage Village Collection" HO-scale train.  The old tracks were falling apart, and I wanted to use them in my Christmas village.  I tested the train on the old track, and it all worked, but the tracks were just very loose.  I ordered and installed a new EZ track setup and hooked the power to the new setup using the power box and wires that came with the original.  The track does not seem to be getting power now, and the train doesn't work.  Do I need to buy a new power box for the train?  Seems like the tracks are the same and that this wouldn't be an issue, but I can't get it to work.


No new power source needed.  You have either a gap somewhere in the power or a short circuit has developed someplace.

You are using Bachmann equipment, right?


I've had similar issues with new terminal track wires. The plug can be very had to insert all the way the first time it's plugged in, and may not seat far enough to connect with the terminal track contacts. It seems like it took a lot more pressure on the plug to get it to seat properly than I thought it would take.

If at first you don't succeed, throw it in the spare parts box.

Fred Klein

I second what Len had to say. On some of the newer EZ-Track you really have to shove hard on the plug to have it make contact, to the point where it hurts your fingers. I would put a voltmeter on the track and then try shoving on the power plug while wiggling it from side to side to see if it makes contact. Hope this helps.
Fred Klein
Okeechobee, FL


Or you can just wiggle the plug with the engine on the track and see if it jumps.  I suspect you don't have a voltmeter.