EZ Command Controller Stopped Working

Started by atansley, October 13, 2024, 07:23:41 AM

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Anybody experience their Ez Command Controller to stop working? All connections are in place and has worked previously.



Have the same issue. Power plug works, no lights come on on the command station. Any one have any idea of how to troubleshoot these things?


I don't believe anyone troubleshoots the easy command.  They aren't really designed to be opened up. Plus, they're relatively inexpensive and it surely would be less drama and heartache to just buy a new one.

Did anyone ever call the Bachmann Service department to see what they said.  They might replace it for you. That is if you haven't tried to open it up and fool with it.

Terry Toenges

The one time I had a problem with my E-Z Command, it was the power wire had broken. I had to buy a new wire.
Feel like a Mogul.