Forward and reverse headlights always on.

Started by WiriliBL, June 09, 2024, 05:19:30 AM

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I'm recently new to Bachmann having purchased the Baldwin 2-6-2T, Spectrum On30. I run DC (saving up for DCC), both the front and rear engine headlights shine constantly and I'm wondering if this is the norm or should only the headlight shine in the direction it is going (as per my non Bachmann engine)? Must admit it was a very pleasant surprise to hear it!

Yard Master

Hi WiriliBL,

I believe both headlights being on by default is specific to this prototype. You can adjust the behavior using Audio Assist or CV settings.


Thanks for the reply but except for your comment that it is part of the prototype I was then lost. I assume that Audio Assist and CV are DCC terms? If that's the case, and as I run DC I guess I can't change the prototype?


"Prototype" means the real life locomotive that the model is copied after.

"CV" refers  to variables within DCC that control a multitude of Operational functions and sounds.  I'm not very familiar with running a DCC/Sound equipped locomotive on a DC layout, But it's like wearing a shoe that doesn't really fit well, like a marriage of convenience in a way, not a whole lot of love there.  I believe some sounds occur, but the operator has no control over them at all, they just happen.

"Audio Assist" Appears to pertain to the TCS DCC decoder Which I'm not familiar with.  It Probably does not work on a DC layout.



My own advice to you is to convert your layout to DCC as soon as you can and don't buy any DC locomotives.  If you have some already, Plan on installing DCC either yourself or by a professional (recommended). 

You can run your models purchased already with factory installed DCC with the default settings and have a lot of fun but after a while, you'll want to learn how to Manipulate the control values ("CV's"),  The first one I did when I converted was change the Whistle, but there's so many other things you can do with them.  I'll never forget the excitement when I first activated a full featured DCC command system on my layout.  It was like the sun came up.

There are umpteen videos out there how to change CVs, some are good and some are by windbags that like to hear themselves talk.  And when you do jump into the DCC pool, you can always come back here to ask questions.  I'm always here and there a number of other experienced modelers here who are always happy to answer your questions.