Future suggestions/predictions thread

Started by Chaz, July 15, 2021, 11:01:36 PM

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Bachmann has done barley anything with o scale so Williams Thomas line is not the most likely thing however I do think it could happen at one point since they did Wilson and Brewster in o scale years ago for the very short lived Chuggington line

I think large scale is pretty much done I do think Edward and the tramway coaches could happen but Aside from that I just see repaints in the lines future maybe Sidney , troublesome cattle vans , etc

O scale won't be as pricy as large scale and could expand to the point where we could get a O scale Gordon

As for Z scale I think it would be easy all they would have to do is make a 0-8-0 chasis that would work for all three of them . Mike and Rex could reuse the same exact chasis design and Bert just lack the front and back wheels . They also reuse tenders so there is that will only one chasis to design that would only need to be modded for Bert

So for HOz
2-8-2 chasis
3 engine shells
1 tender
3 rolling stock

S scale is not popular at all and we already technicaly have a s scale Thomas range diapet


Quote from: Awesometrain77 on December 19, 2024, 11:48:40 AMBachmann has done barley anything with o scale so Williams Thomas line is not the most likely thing however I do think it could happen at one point since they did Wilson and Brewster in o scale years ago for the very short lived Chuggington line

I think large scale is pretty much done I do think Edward and the tramway coaches could happen but Aside from that I just see repaints in the lines future maybe Sidney , troublesome cattle vans , etc

O scale won't be as pricy as large scale and could expand to the point where we could get a O scale Gordon

As for Z scale I think it would be easy all they would have to do is make a 0-8-0 chasis that would work for all three of them . Mike and Rex could reuse the same exact chasis design and Bert just lack the front and back wheels . They also reuse tenders so there is that will only one chasis to design that would only need to be modded for Bert

So for HOz
2-8-2 chasis
3 engine shells
1 tender
3 rolling stock

S scale is not popular at all and we already technicaly have a s scale Thomas range diapet

Reusing the chassis for Bert won't really be show accurate

Like I get it that it's "cost saving" but it's a whole new scale. Reusing Mike for Rex is fine but Bert is definitely a whole different chassis. Plus going back to my earlier point introducing a new scale right now only slows down production for other scales and ultimately I don't know if Bachmann would bite the bullet on a brand new scale for 3 engines and 3 rolling stock. We've got 5 NG engines in the range so far, 6 including Rheneas' recolour and possibility of Millie, Luke, Victor. Along with possibly Duncan, Duke, Freddie, Mighty Mac, plus recolours of Sir Handel, Duke and Rheneas for Proteus, Bertrum and Smudger. Without the rolling stock and real world rereleases for Talyllyn locos. It's asking alot for 3 engines especially if people don't support it. We've seen and heard from Bachmann they are always taking the financial cost into account. In an ideal world, yes brilliant but unfortunately we need to consider these things. With NG, N and HO there's still a long list of possible products. Even if you take into account their real life Basis and made those. I genuinely don't know how well they'll sell compared to Talyllyn. As I said before Bachmann have enough to work with doing HO, N, the NG stuff. Adding another in the mix even for a limited time will only add to backlogs or people moaning "well they showed Mike in the stream but still nothing on N scale Henry or Sidney" (that's an example btw). And lastly you are asking for people to buy and set up track. Which is another cost without the price for the engines themselves and rolling stock.
Wishlist HO Stephen, Harvey, Porter, Hiro, Whiff. 009 Luke and Millie, N scale Edward, Duck and Daisy


Unfortunately, it's unlikely that Bachmann will start doing Z Scale anytime soon. Although they barely do anything O Scale or Large Scale anymore (as a whole), the HOn30 Scale range still has plenty more products to choose from in the coming years. Even the HO Scale range still has a lot more to choose from, which has been around for over 20 years, and the N Scale range is still very new, which doesn't even have Edward yet. To even start Z Scale, Bachmann will have to make new track for it, which is an expense that doesn't even include engines or rolling stock. With plenty of products to make as is, adding another scale doesn't seem practical at this time. Though I do think S Scale would be nice to add, since it's bigger than HO Scale, but not as big as Large Scale, and a bit smaller than O Scale. It may never happen, but one can dream.

Like I said, in short, it's a balancing act, with already plenty to juggle with. It appears that for many years to come, N Scale will remain the smallest scale Bachmann makes. It doesn't help that Rex, Mike and Bert were the only miniature engines to ever appear in the show, and Mattel never bothered to show Frank or Jock. The latter two only appeared in fan productions. There's even unseen Railway Series characters like the Blister twins and Sigrid, who are very obscure.
My wishlist for HO Scale: Stepney, BoCo, Fernando, Norman, Den, Dart, Porter, Samson, Timothy, Whiff, Hiro, Winston, and Green Salty.
My wishlist for N Scale: Edward, Spencer, Flying Scotsman, Duck, Oliver, Mavis, Sidney, 'Arry and Bert.


I am not saying that it should happen but it would be easy to do . Since Mike and Rex could share the same chasis and only 1 tender design .

I doubt they would make a Z scale line but it could be somewhat easy to make everything .

As for narrow gauge even if the mandate is lifted idk if they would even find it worth while to make certain characters
Freddie , Luke , Victor , Duncan , Millie and Duke would require a TVS design tooling
Mighty Mac Smudger and Protues could be easy repaints

I do think Duncan Victor Luke and Millie have a higher chance then duke or Freddie but knowing why Duncan was cancelled idk if any could happen .

Narrow gauge has a rolling stock back log but I do think we could get brown vans and troublesome slate wagons
For some new tooled rolling stock 4 plank wooden wagons seem likley .
green wagon
Black wagon
Green with rusty frames
Tan wagon
Pink wagon



Quote from: Awesometrain77 on December 19, 2024, 05:08:29 PMI am not saying that it should happen but it would be easy to do . Since Mike and Rex could share the same chasis and only 1 tender design .

I doubt they would make a Z scale line but it could be somewhat easy to make everything .

As for narrow gauge even if the mandate is lifted idk if they would even find it worth while to make certain characters
Freddie , Luke , Victor , Duncan , Millie and Duke would require a TVS design tooling
Mighty Mac Smudger and Protues could be easy repaints

I do think Duncan Victor Luke and Millie have a higher chance then duke or Freddie but knowing why Duncan was cancelled idk if any could happen .

Narrow gauge has a rolling stock back log but I do think we could get brown vans and troublesome slate wagons
For some new tooled rolling stock 4 plank wooden wagons seem likley .
green wagon
Black wagon
Green with rusty frames
Tan wagon
Pink wagon

They are running out of characters in NG that were in CGI there's only Luke, Millie and Duncan left. If Bachmann want to keep making NG characters, that dumb mandate will have to get dropped.


Well, we're entering year 10 of the narrow-gauge line and the 5th (6th if you want to count Yellow Rheneas) is only just having its painted sample finished now. That leaves 3 characters, 4 if they try to circle back around to Duncan which I do think is likely. My point is there's still a good while before they have to worry about having to do model series engines. Not to mention the amount of CGI rolling stock there is, and how we have had years before where they only announce rolling stock for the narrow gauge line. I want Freddie and Duke in the line especially but being realistic we're still a good number of years off before they have to worry about it. Ideally not 10 more years, but still a good few.
Personal Thomas Wishlist

HO: Samson, Bradford, Nia, Norman, Philip, Den, Dart, Hiro, Harvey, Glynn, Brown Utility Vans, Chocolate Syrup Tanker, Well wagon, and Toffee tanker

NG: TR coaches, van 5, Luke, Millie, Victor, and Proteus

N: Edward, Mavis, Duck, and Mail Cars

G: Henrietta and Rosie


Very interesting development with Thomas Minis. A D10 with updated printing. More accurately colored claw, new rivets, and most interestingly a more model series styled face that is not present on any of the CGI refs.

Potentially for the anniversary, it is also TATMR's 25th anniversary, but no way to know for sure. I think this is a good sign for the future. Shows Diesel 10 is still a popular character worth doing justice. That hopefully this combined with what Doug said regarding Diesel 10 on Thomas Tuesday may push for more people to request him and potentially convince Bachmann to pursue him. I'm still assuming they won't do D10 or Harvey next year do to when they commented on their feasibility, but I'd definitely not complain if I turned out to be wrong. Think it also opens up the doors in regard to potential future negotiations lifting the classic series restriction on Bachmann or potentially allowing them to pick and choose from reference material for the likes of Duncan. A good sign of things to come for 2025 and beyond, from both Mattel and Bachmann
Personal Thomas Wishlist

HO: Samson, Bradford, Nia, Norman, Philip, Den, Dart, Hiro, Harvey, Glynn, Brown Utility Vans, Chocolate Syrup Tanker, Well wagon, and Toffee tanker

NG: TR coaches, van 5, Luke, Millie, Victor, and Proteus

N: Edward, Mavis, Duck, and Mail Cars

G: Henrietta and Rosie


If there's any time for Mattel to be more lenient about the CGI mandate, it's the 80th anniversary. I feel like if they allow merchandise to be based on all sorts of different eras of Thomas throughout that year, then Bachmann should take advantage of the opportunity to knock out some characters or items that would otherwise usually be off the table.

Armada Starscream

Quote from: Cheeky_ULP on December 20, 2024, 06:04:01 PMIf there's any time for Mattel to be more lenient about the CGI mandate, it's the 80th anniversary. I feel like if they allow merchandise to be based on all sorts of different eras of Thomas throughout that year, then Bachmann should take advantage of the opportunity to knock out some characters or items that would otherwise usually be off the table.

Agreed. And maybe this could include some treats from the Railway Series as well. If Bachmann is allowed to branch out from the CGI mandate for the 80th Anniversay, maybe that can be used as a springboard to having the CGI mandate finally removed entirely!

Some of the suggestions that have been made include Railway Series Blue Donald and Blue Douglas, as they would just need to recolor their already existing Donald and Douglas models. Quite a lot of modelers make models of Blue Donald and Douglas, often repainting Bachmann Donald and Douglas themselves, so Bachmann might want to look into getting in on that themselves.

Given that there is a demand for 'Arry and Bert to return, if they do return, maybe Bachmann can also release Splatter and Dodge alongside and 'Arry and Bert rerelease. 'Arry, Bert, Splatter, and Dodge all share the same basis, the Class 08 without the front ladders that were already used for 'Arry and Bert. Bachmann would just need to recolor the shells of the items, and given that Splatter and Dodge are always shown with identical faces onscreen, all they would need to do is design a single face for both of them to use. Given that there is a demand for Diesel 10, and the fact that it is the 25th anniversary of Thomas and the Magic Railroad in 2025, that might be some good incentive for Bachmann.

Bachmann UK also has the LMS Ivatt Class 2 2-6-2T, BR Standard Class 9F, and the BR Class 40 Models. Considering that a lot of Bachmann's Thomas Rolling Stock are recolors of Bachmann UK Rolling stock, including the Express Coaches, the Cattle Wagons, and Ventilated Vans, maybe Bachmann could look into making Arthur, Murdoch, and The Diesel/Class 40. They could either recolor their existing models and put a face on them, like Beau, or maybe use the existing models as starting points to design more screen-accurate models of Arthur, Murdoch, and Class 40, so they don't have to design completely new models.


As 2025 is only a few days away here are my catalog predictions on what we could see announced I have previously went over what I would like to see be announced, but there is a difference

N scale 
LBSC thomas
Black James
7 plank wagons
Gordon express set

Pink undercoat Thomas
Emily with 12
Green salty 
Well wagon
Troublesome van
Gordon's Special express composite coach
Gordon's Special express brake  coach


So the 2025 catalog announcements are supposed to drop within a month or two. All we can do is speculate. Here's what I think could get announced:

HO Scale:
Gold Thomas (Silver Percy and Bronze Diesel for NMRA?)
Waste Wagon
Gordon's Special Coach
Gordon's Special Brake Coach

Narrow Gauge:
Brown Box Van
Brown Brake Van

N Scale:

Edward (If not, NMRA for sure)
LBSC Thomas
Origin James
Coal Wagon w/ Load
Blue Open Wagon
Red Open Wagon
BR Brake Van

Edward is the #1 priority for N Scale in order to complete the original Steam Team. After that, Bachmann can move on to side characters like Duck, Oliver, Donald and Douglas, Mavis, Spencer, or even Daisy. Duck will most likely be next in line after Edward.
My wishlist for HO Scale: Stepney, BoCo, Fernando, Norman, Den, Dart, Porter, Samson, Timothy, Whiff, Hiro, Winston, and Green Salty.
My wishlist for N Scale: Edward, Spencer, Flying Scotsman, Duck, Oliver, Mavis, Sidney, 'Arry and Bert.


With the catalog dropping any week now, figured I would post my predictions/recommendations. Going to make this more so for the whole year since I think it's going to be harder to gauge on a catalog by basis.

For HO:

Engine wise Whiff is a safe bet. However, could see them going for someone risker following the simpler tools of Stanley and the 08's. Nia would be the safest guess. With that said, I think it would be a sweet gesture if they announced Diesel 10 following Britt's passing. If there was any time to launch the riskier character, it would be now.

For HO rolling stock, the chocolate syrup and toffee tanker are a safe bet. I think a good recommendation would be a new set of cattle wagons. Uncancel the Farmer Mccoll cattle wagon and launch some of the circus cattle vans alongside them. I would imagine they would want to do at least one more but don't admittedly have any great immediate suggestions. I think it would be nice to uncancel another item for the anniversary like 2020 and of the choices I think the cattle wagon is the most likely. Definitely wouldn't be Duncan and do not think the two faced wagons are likely to make a come back, as much as I would like them to.

For N scale Edward is a safe bet. I think open wagons are the most likely next rolling stock choice. My personal prediction would be red with clay load, Sodor Coal Co, and the Sodor scrap co wagon. I would prefer the normal green coal car and the normal blue and white car but since those two are no longer in both scales and the logo versions seem to be more popular idk if that is the route they will pursue. Also going to add the Milk tanker, they absolutely should add this to the range. However, I understand why they haven't yet since it would be cgi based. The cgi one in g scale did not last long at all. But I still think it would be a nice inclusion and a potentially easy one to announce this year. Maybe launch some of the other remaining tankers alongside it, that could be nice. Would personally love to see the red Raspberry Syrup tanker in the smaller scale. I think LBSC Thomas is also likely however since the N scale pipeline currently has 3 engines in development, I could see them only prioritizing Edward in an NMRA announcement over also doing a recolor. But I wouldn't be shocked if we got both. I'd also expect the Gordon set from HO to launch in N scale continuing the trends with the sets so far.

For G scale. Really, I only see LBSC Thomas and maybe some wagon recolors. The 12-ton vans jumping up would make sense. I would love to be wrong, and we get a new engine mold, Mavis and Rosie would be my predictions. I'm just not expecting it.

For Narrow gauge, I am almost 90% confident we'll get Luke. Rolling stock, I'm less sure on. I'm leaning to the TR open coaches from BMM but that's recency bias from discovering they are in the movie. I could also see the tipper wagons being the next rolling stock piece. But they may wait to announce any before they clear that pipeline with the gondolas and gunpowder wagons.

Overall, those are my predictions/hopes for the year. Trying to keep it as realistic, I could see way more happening for the anniversary but also am not really sold on anything else. Can see Dolgoch also happening but she's not inherently Thomas. Also expecting a few surprises. Ideally more human figures and road vehicles I just am not sure on any happening this year.
Personal Thomas Wishlist

HO: Samson, Bradford, Nia, Norman, Philip, Den, Dart, Hiro, Harvey, Glynn, Brown Utility Vans, Chocolate Syrup Tanker, Well wagon, and Toffee tanker

NG: TR coaches, van 5, Luke, Millie, Victor, and Proteus

N: Edward, Mavis, Duck, and Mail Cars

G: Henrietta and Rosie

Kemptown Branch

I'll post my predictions for N Scale as well.

For engines, I still think Edward is a pretty safe bet to be announced at some point during the next year.

However, for rolling stock, rather than focusing just on a single type of wagon recolor, I think Bachmann should do 1-2 of each type, since we don't have a lot of freight stock in the range so far. Bachmann have announced recolors for multiple different types of wagons in the past for both HO and Large Scale, so I don't see why N Scale should only get one type at a time. It would help with the variety in choices as well.

For open wagons, I think that Bachmann should do the Red Open Wagon, whether it has the clay load or not, and the original version of the Coal Wagon w/ Load. They might be a bit plain looking compared to options with logos, but they were both used extremely often in the show for 10+ years, so I think they have somewhat of an advantage. So far, all of the stock we've gotten for N Scale has been either a character or had logos, so I think the simple colors for rolling stock that actually appeared in the show should be prioritized to balance things out a bit. Considering both wagons are still in the HO range despite there being alternate versions with logos, I think they're probably popular enough to consider adding to the N Scale range.

I also think Bachmann should consider the Gray 12 Ton Van for N scale, since they have the tooling for it, and so far it seems to be the most popular of the four 12 Ton Vans that just got released. It would also provide good color variety to the other vans in the range so far.

Finally, I think Bachmann should also do the Milk Tanker in N Scale as well. I'm genuinely surprised it wasn't one of the first ones released, especially since it has been in the show since Season 1. It would also be a new color option added to the tanker lineup.

To recap, I think Bachmann could add some good new rolling stock options to the line that add color variety, but also appeared in the show throughout the Model Series and CGI Era. We've gotten them in the other scales, so I think it would be good for N Scale to have those options as well.
Hoping for Edward and the Milk Tanker in N Scale!


Quote from: Kemptown Branch on January 06, 2025, 09:10:50 AMFor open wagons, I think that Bachmann should do the Red Open Wagon, whether it has the clay load or not, and the original version of the Coal Wagon w/ Load. They might be a bit plain looking compared to options with logos, but they were both used extremely often in the show for 10+ years, so I think they have somewhat of an advantage. So far, all of the stock we've gotten for N Scale has been either a character or had logos, so I think the simple colors for rolling stock that actually appeared in the show should be prioritized to balance things out a bit. Considering both wagons are still in the HO range despite there being alternate versions with logos, I think they're probably popular enough to consider adding to the N Scale range.

I'd like to echo this in particular as I feel the plain logoless wagons would be a lot more of a natural addition to the range, and the fact that they've been used in the show would make them all the more of a welcome addition. I mentioned in an earlier post but a great way to approach this would be making the original coal wagon with load along with the China clay wagon and a cocoa powder wagon with load, all while reusing the same blue and red wagon designs from HO and large scale all while reusing the same coal load just repainted to match the China Clay and cocoa powder loads respectively. 
Modeler of HO/OO, OO9 and N scale.  Hoping for HO Hiro, Narrow gauge Luke, and N scale Edward and Duck.


For new cattle wagons I could see them doing a
Mccoll farm cattle van
Circus cattle van
Pink cattle van

Now usually with the expection of last year we get one wagon family expanded or introduced for HO .

The wagon family could be either cattle vans or maybe ulility vans

Both types are in the range but have few products using there toolings it could be either one I doubt it would be both

Diesel 10 would be a great idea for 2025 for a number of reasons and I think he would be very appropriate and I do know that he would sell very very well regardless of the price .

If you throw in some engine varients.
Gordon's special express coaches Trevor
Well wagon and m wagon rerelease
And a Troublsome van I think you have the perfect HO scale lineup for 2025
Special Thomas variant
Emily with 12
Green salty
Gordon's special express coaches
Troublesome truck #7

Diesel 10
Cattle vans
Well wagon
M wagon

As for large scale I don't think Rosie or Mavis could  happen
I feel like Mavis would be a flop idk why people keep suggesting her she is sorta irrelevant. Edward is my pick but he could also be a flop but he is much well better known than Mavis and would probably be a better seller due to his bright blue color which would appeal to garden model railroaders compared to Mavis . A pink Rosie and a red one could appeal to garden model railroaders but I think Edward is more popular .

Narrow gauge I think it needs to be a catch up year if not I think we should see troublesome slate wagons or brown vans but over all I think we'll be a catch-up year
For n scale everything has already been said.