Future suggestions/predictions thread

Started by Chaz, July 15, 2021, 11:01:36 PM

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Quote from: Awesometrain77 on November 21, 2024, 09:02:34 PM
Quote from: SNER on November 21, 2024, 03:45:23 PMMaybe a pipe dream, but I'd love to see Bachmann announce Edward in both N and G scale next year.
I don't collect G scale due to space, aside from a Bachmann Thomas and 1994 Lionel James, but would preorder an Edward immediately.

Maybe a wild suggestion, but after N scale Edward, I think Oliver should be next. Having both Scruffy and Toad in the range is like having Henrietta without Toby or Annie and Clarabel without Thomas.

Also, I love the Talyllyn I just got (maybe we can get a 2024 blue livery too). Please plan on doing Dolgoch, Edward Thomas, etc. I'd also like to see the Talyllyn's bogie coaches too!
I second of this Oliver should happen next however I do not see him next over characters like duck or Rosie who are way more popular than him.
But Oliver is popular and he would sell. They are bound to do him eventually, and I think it is about time that they do him, considering that his brake van  and his rival are in the range. He could possibly reuse a lot of parts from Edward once they do him so I would love to see Oliver after they finishthe steam team

Not sure about Rosie, but I think both Edward and Duck are a lot more likely to happen before Oliver, but I think Oliver is going to remain very firmly as one of the more popular requests because of Toad's inclusion.  I say give it a few years from now and I'm sure Oliver will receive his introduction in N scale soon.  And I don't think it's a matter of "if", based on how things have been going with the N scale line as of late.
Modeler of HO/OO, OO9 and N scale.  Hoping for HO Hiro, Narrow gauge Luke, and N scale Edward and Duck.


A line that is a matter of if is the large scale line now there are some popular characters they have yet to make in the line that could warrant a tooling .
Edward is a main character thus is well known and could happen
Rosie is a female engine that could sell pretty well
Finally is Duck who is super popular with fans
As for rolling stock

12 ton circus vans and the Christmas reef van I could see being good sellers
And as someone who has seen large scale railways I do feel the blue open coach could be a very good seller
For other tankers bringing back the milk and oil tanker would be nice . And a pink 7 plank wagon that is seen all around in the CGI series .
Hannah and Henrietta could also be nice to go with Toby .

I doubt Mavis is popular enough to be in large scale honestly I feel like people just keep suggesting her because she is an Awdry character but tbh she would not sell well enough. Maybe 10 years ago you could argue she was more relevant then duck or Rosie much the show and merch forgot about her compare that to duck and roise who appeared till the very end .


So with Sir Handel's model being shown at Trainfest and seeing all that extra detailing I'm currently of the mindset Sir Hayden could be the next Talyllyn loco in that range given Sir Handel has all the extra parts already existing on his model where as, Rheneas, Peter Sam and Rusty (if midlander is ever made) all need work. In fact out of the three Rheneas is the only one I can see happening (at least in the near future) given Peter Sam's funnel will need to be remould to represent Edward Thomas more and have that variety.

So my money is firmly in Sir Hayden's corner for the next Talyllyn loco, which leads me into my idea. Now I honestly don't know where the rights to make someone like this would lie, weather it's Mattel or Talyllyn but what about a Sir Hayden variation wearing Sir Handel's name plates and face to represent either Awdry Extravagansa

Or possibly the eye patch variation

Now ultimately with this idea I honestly don't know where the rights would be weather it's Talyllyn or if there's something in the contract that says any merchandise produced with a named character falls under Mattel or with a likeness to a Thomas character creates a loop hole. Even as a limited run I think this would be a home run with fans and even non fans who just want something that represents Talyllyn history. I mean every fan who has attended Awdry Extravagansa will want to own one no doubt. Who wouldn't want a little representative of a weekend or a day like that, and what better representative then a 009 model of an engine that was there running around your layout. I know it's a very out there idea and probably one that riddled with legal stuff and but I thought I'd throw it out there. Just an idea.
Wishlist HO Stephen, Harvey, Porter, Hiro, Whiff. 009 Luke and Millie, N scale Edward, Duck and Daisy


A potential work around could be with the eyepatch face specifically. At this year's event it was worn by Sir Hayden, and from my understanding the TR has complete control over that. It's only the Thomas show characters that need official approval which is likely why it was only Sir Handel and Rusty this year while everyone else was just the TR engines. They also reuse the faces for children's days; they're just not dressed up as the Thomas characters. In theory they may be able to do multiple like that. Blue Talyllyn with the Nicholas Cage face like she wore for Awdry Ex 4, Dolgoch with the old lady like face, so on. Might be disappointing to not necessarily have the Thomas names on them, but that is a potential work around if the licensing proved troublesome. I know I'd personally buy some like that. I went to Awdry Ex 4, any of the real engines with those specific faces is a sure-fire sale from me.

In terms of the newer Sir Handel face, it was used for the Corris No. 10 so far. I've actually been thinking about her, since she's the new build and having a model for her this soon would be really cool. It would be nice if they could make a model of her as well alongside Hayden, but based on the prototype of Sir Handel looks like some of the parts that would need to be switched out are part of the diecast body. It's mainly the coal bunkers that appear to be metal and No. 10 doesn't have them in the same way. So that might be a hard sell. I'd definitely like it, but I'd understand if Bachmann would be cautious on pursuing it. Same reason I imagine they're cautious about making Midlander or Edward Thomas. I figured it was at least worth mentioning her as a possibility because I imagine she would be popular for 009 modelers
Personal Thomas Wishlist

HO: Samson, Bradford, Nia, Norman, Philip, Den, Dart, Hiro, Harvey, Glynn, Brown Utility Vans, Chocolate Syrup Tanker, Well wagon, and Toffee tanker

NG: TR coaches, van 5, Luke, Millie, Victor, and Proteus

N: Edward, Mavis, Duck, and Mail Cars

G: Henrietta and Rosie


Peter Sam would need heavy mods but it's worth it as not only can they make Edward Thomas but also other tatoo  class locomotives they will need more mods but there were a class of locomotives used by narrow gauge railways all over not just the UK but the world and they were not even all narrow gauge but also standard gauge .

As for a new tool TR locomotive I would really like to see Douglas as Duncan has been cancelled also if there were to a TR  Thomas character Duncan could be that as Douglas and Duncan don't look alike .also Duncan had a whole event on the TR called Duncan days . But idk if this could happen but it would be super cool .

Anyway I doubt either will happen next year .

But what I do think could happen next year is a new engine for the HO range now as they are likely still waiting to see how Rebecca does Ik they can't do Diesel 10 or Hiro . Nia is the character who replaced Edward at tidmoth sheds so Idk if that would be an ideal choice for the anniversary year . Harvey despite having the attachment is not impossible so maybe him but the most likely canadate is whiff
Here is how the rest of the decade could play out in terms on characters
2025 whiff
2026 Nia
2027 Hiro
2028 Iron arry and Bert catch up year
2029 Havery
2030 Diesel 10
Now without getting too ahead of myself I like this list and I feel this could happen but who knows   


Personally I would put Hiro above any other (solo tooling) newbies... I feel like he's one of the most popular characters of the CGI era, and him having a RTR model feels just as long overdue as Stanley's.


As there are finalizing the catalogue here are last-minute suggestions
M truck - the tooling is in the range and this item goes for a lot on eBay bringing it back would be amazing

CCT vans- I have suggested these in the past and I think these would be really nice considering the live lobster van has been discontinued Maybe they could properly reproduce the inspiration from the show and introduce a brown and blue version .
Trevor - since bulgy and sth car have happened. I think Trevor is long overdue. He would be really nice to see.
Spencer's brake coach - his composite coach is based on the model series design so I do think that his brake coach would also have to be based on the model series designed to match it which is actually fine because Bachman has the tool for the coach kit they used that being the collet brake coach

Troublesome truck 7 I do hope this has a classic face and is a LNER 12 ton van

Lei he could also use the LNER van tooling

Works unit coach and breakdown train -again super popular and very much suggested

I do think the pump trolley or skiff could be be cool to see

As for locomotives, which I doubt they will announce in the catalog
Diesel 10 is my 100% absolute most wanted mdoel however Harvey hiro and whiff would be close run ups diesel 10 is the ultimate villain. The characters introduction is 25 years old in 2025. not only would he be a great character to introduce for the 80th anniversary but it would also celebrate an anniversary for his I am more than certain that he would sell well regardless of the price is a very popular character, not just amongst older fan but amongst kids as well .
Hiro is a fan favorite character, a large, tender engine who even appeared in the reboot. He would definitely sell well and considering how big Thomas is in Japan that they literally have to get the range imported into Japan. Imagine how well he could sell there
Regardless, that is my list some varients  that I would also like to
Scrap Oliver and toad
These paint variance appeared in a very classic episode. That is a favorite for a ton of fans  myself included.


With Whiff being one of the most highly requested engines to be announced for the HO line, I wanted to throw an additional suggestion to come alongside him. That being, a truck full of rubbish.

Slightly inspired by the newest China Clay Wagon, there are a few varying 7 planks that could be given a new load to add variety to the current HO lineup. Since red was already used for the china clay wagon, I think the best choice would be a new design. The orange wagon with the black plating would be a unique new wagon color that could stand out alongside the new load. It could also be the green car, which already exists in the form of coal wagon w/load. However since there is already a newer coal wagon with load in the same color thanks to the Sodor coal company wagon, it could be a good move to change the existing coal wagon w/load to have a differing garbage load as well. This could also open up the orange wagon to be used as a scrap wagon instead, as that is the wagon color typically used for scrap loads in the later Brenner seasons.

The garbage load might be a bit out there of a suggestion, it's not a traditional load by any means. However, it's one used for a good few cgi episodes. It would pair nicely with Whiff if he gets added to the line but can also be used for other characters. Thomas and Gordon being the two primary ones. The load also exists in the model series as well. So there's a good few appearances to pull from for making consists or remakes. I think it's something, while niche could give some life to some of the existing 7 planks in the line. I think the scrap load is also a potential good option to look into adding as well.
Personal Thomas Wishlist

HO: Samson, Bradford, Nia, Norman, Philip, Den, Dart, Hiro, Harvey, Glynn, Brown Utility Vans, Chocolate Syrup Tanker, Well wagon, and Toffee tanker

NG: TR coaches, van 5, Luke, Millie, Victor, and Proteus

N: Edward, Mavis, Duck, and Mail Cars

G: Henrietta and Rosie


I wish someday that Bachmann could start making Z Scale and T Scale. To this day, N Scale is still the smallest scale Bachmann makes. No American-based model train manufacturer makes Z or T Scale. If Bachmann started doing Z Scale, that would bring the Arlesdale engines into the picture. Another scale they don't do is S Scale, which is the same size as O Scale, but uses two-rail track instead of three-rail. Lionel still holds the license for O Scale Thomas products, which is the only thing holding Bachmann back from doing an O Scale range. T Scale is the smallest scale in all of the model train world, and there would most likely never be a Thomas range for that, as it is simply too tiny, but it would still be neat to see American trains in that scale.

Unless Bachmann starts doing Z Scale to make the Arlesdale engines, N Scale will be the smallest scale to have a Thomas range.
My wishlist for HO Scale: Stepney, BoCo, Fernando, Norman, Den, Dart, Porter, Samson, Timothy, Whiff, Hiro, Winston, and Green Salty.
My wishlist for N Scale: Edward, Spencer, Flying Scotsman, Duck, Oliver, Mavis, Sidney, 'Arry and Bert.


S scale is a bit smaller than O scale and runs on narrower track.


How would people feel about N scale Arlesdale Engines instead of Z scale?


Oh, S Scale is actually a bit smaller than O Scale, and the track is also a bit narrower. Nevertheless, it's still another scale Bachmann doesn't do, just like Z Scale and T Scale. HOn30 Scale is the most recent scale they started doing, but it's HO Scale sized and runs on N Scale track, with Skarloey being their very first product like that. Introducing S Scale, Z Scale, or T Scale would mean creating new track in different sizes. If any of them were to be introduced someday, Z Scale should be first since that would allow for the Arlesdale engines. Like I said, there is no US based manufacturer that makes the two smallest scales. Hope that changes someday.
My wishlist for HO Scale: Stepney, BoCo, Fernando, Norman, Den, Dart, Porter, Samson, Timothy, Whiff, Hiro, Winston, and Green Salty.
My wishlist for N Scale: Edward, Spencer, Flying Scotsman, Duck, Oliver, Mavis, Sidney, 'Arry and Bert.


Quote from: TrainFan97 on December 18, 2024, 04:08:43 PMI wish someday that Bachmann could start making Z Scale and T Scale. To this day, N Scale is still the smallest scale Bachmann makes. No American-based model train manufacturer makes Z or T Scale. If Bachmann started doing Z Scale, that would bring the Arlesdale engines into the picture. Another scale they don't do is S Scale, which is the same size as O Scale, but uses two-rail track instead of three-rail. Lionel still holds the license for O Scale Thomas products, which is the only thing holding Bachmann back from doing an O Scale range. T Scale is the smallest scale in all of the model train world, and there would most likely never be a Thomas range for that, as it is simply too tiny, but it would still be neat to see American trains in that scale.

Unless Bachmann starts doing Z Scale to make the Arlesdale engines, N Scale will be the smallest scale to have a Thomas range.
I think it's best to focus on the scales we have. There's already people complaining when there's no updates on a product. Adding another scale into the mix will only create longer backlogs or fewer products in other scales. We've seen how long it's taken for the most recent products to hit the market and alot of the NG products are still being worked on. Now imagine that but with yet another scale and set of announcements for said scale.
Wishlist HO Stephen, Harvey, Porter, Hiro, Whiff. 009 Luke and Millie, N scale Edward, Duck and Daisy


I believe Christian jokingly asked about Z scale specifically on Thomas Tuesday (may have been a different scale, I'm going off memory here so feel free to correct me) and Doug responding with "we have enough trouble balancing three scales as is." So I think that's rather telling. Plus the additional subline of the narrow-gauge stuff in HO. Maybe one day when another scale is done or the narrow-gauge line is finished, they can look into a further expansion, but right now I agree with Mulfred. Adding another scale would be a lot of work and in truth take away from the existing lines.

With that said, O scale is an interesting case. In theory it would be handled by Williams and not take away from the active Bachmann Thomas development at all. Of course, that would require Lionel to let go of the Thomas License which doesn't seem particularly likely, but I think if they were to expand into any scale. It would be that one. More popular in the United States and Bachmann/Williams have experience with it before, unlike Z or S. Just not for a good while, they'd want to wait until they're done developing G or N scale before launching into something else. And I doubt N scale is going anywhere anytime soon.

Before signing off did want to briefly touch on the Arlesdale engines. In CGI there are only 6 things to be made vehicle wise, 3 engines, 3 rolling stock pieces. In theory this would make the line pretty easy and simple. However, said 3 engines are pretty intricate. Scale also is a problem. I don't think they'd expand into Z just for 6 products ultimately. They could do N, that's an idea I've had before. I'm just not sure if it's necessarily a good one for proper scale or if people would just be happy to have the small engines. If nothing else, it could be nice if they threw the Small Controller and Willie the farmer into the human figure line down the road.
Personal Thomas Wishlist

HO: Samson, Bradford, Nia, Norman, Philip, Den, Dart, Hiro, Harvey, Glynn, Brown Utility Vans, Chocolate Syrup Tanker, Well wagon, and Toffee tanker

NG: TR coaches, van 5, Luke, Millie, Victor, and Proteus

N: Edward, Mavis, Duck, and Mail Cars

G: Henrietta and Rosie


So there's a reason Bachmann can't make every scale known to man. In short, it's a balancing act. They have enough to juggle with.
My wishlist for HO Scale: Stepney, BoCo, Fernando, Norman, Den, Dart, Porter, Samson, Timothy, Whiff, Hiro, Winston, and Green Salty.
My wishlist for N Scale: Edward, Spencer, Flying Scotsman, Duck, Oliver, Mavis, Sidney, 'Arry and Bert.