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0-4-0 Gas Mechanical Motor Size

Started by Kemptown Branch, August 17, 2020, 03:22:57 PM

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Kemptown Branch

In the kitbashing section of the Large scale parts area, there's a motor for the 0-4-0 Gas Mechanical. Does anyone know about how large the motor is? Like, what are its dimensions? Thanks!
Hoping for Edward and the Milk Tanker in N Scale!

Loco Bill Canelos

I realize this is not much help, but probably your best bet is to contact the parts dept and see if they can help you.

Loco Bill
Loco Bill,  Roundhouse Foreman
Colorado & Kansas Railway-Missouri Western Railway
Official Historian; Bachmann Large Scale
Retired Colorado RR Museum-Brakeman-Engineer-Motorman-Trainman
There are no dumb or stupid questions, just questions!