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The Everything Thomas Topic

Started by Chaz, August 13, 2019, 12:12:34 AM

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The RWS seems to be coming with appeartly a new face for Thomas according to some sources which I have heard not 100 percent sure if these are correct or not .
Glad to see the tidmoth milk tanker is still in the range and was not replaced meanwhile we have seen the crate wagons leave .
The China clay wagon looks super cool I will 100% be getting this . The vans were somewhat of a shock because usually Bachman does not do commemorative rolling stock . But they look nice . The Troublsome van was very overdue in my openion but I am glad we finally have it. I have suggested this item as long as I have been on the Bachmann forms so it's cool this is happening .

No NG stuff which is expected they have such a backlog which is now starting to clear up we only have the gunpowder vans left

I am sure we will see the gondolas and the open coach in a Thomas Tuesday
It seems they are cycling through slate wagons wonder if some numbers will become expensive on the resale market . I could definitely see some troublesome ones happening soon .
Winston being retired in large scale was a shocker but I would not rule him out of happening in HO as we just got the red wagon in N scale which was retired in large scale . So maybe he has a chance idk . Speaking of LBSC Thomas is now in all three scales . Black James is in N scale . And the scrap wagon is in N scale non of the wagons with loads got announced but they probably don't wanna have yet another new tool for N scale Given the backlog .  Overall a good amount of items got announced Very glad we did not get something like a gold Thomas And was honestly better than I expected . Can't wait to get some of these items .


Turns out there was a Thomas Monday stream. It wasn't even announced on Bachmann's Facebook.

To sum it up, Doug Blaine went over the new catalog announcements. Unfortunately, he did not give updates on previously announced upcoming products that still don't have samples shown, like the Narrow Gauge Gunpowder Wagons or the N Scale Express Coaches, Diesel, or Paxton. He did have the samples of the Narrow Gauge Gondolas, but not the HO Scale Open Carriage. The 80th Anniversary set will only be made once, as it will be a limited edition, and there's still hope that Thomas can have a Railway Series face, but no guarantee.
My wishlist for HO Scale: Stepney, BoCo, Fernando, Norman, Den, Dart, Porter, Samson, Timothy, Whiff, Hiro, Winston, and Green Salty.
My wishlist for N Scale: Edward, Spencer, Flying Scotsman, Duck, Oliver, Mavis, Sidney, 'Arry and Bert.


I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed yet, but the NMRA show is on the same week as the final TR Awdry Extravaganza event.  Not really anything else to add to that point, that's just going to be a very exciting week for the fandom.
Personal Thomas Wishlist

HO: Samson, Bradford, Nia, Norman, Philip, Den, Dart, Hiro, Harvey, Glynn, Brown Utility Vans, Chocolate Syrup Tanker, Well wagon, and Toffee tanker

NG: TR coaches, van 5, Luke, Millie, Victor, and Proteus

N: Edward, Mavis, Duck, and Mail Cars

G: Henrietta and Rosie


I'm hoping the March Trainworld stream will give updates on some upcoming products, including those that haven't had samples shown yet. We may actually see new product samples in the March stream, and if we do, it might be one of the following: HO Scale Bulgy, Narrow Gauge Gunpowder Wagon, N Scale Express Coaches, or Diesel/Paxton sample. It may not be that much longer before we see Stanley and Salty in the package, along with the Narrow Gauge High-Side Wagons packaged. We may not see Sir Handel, Gondolas, or the DCC Sound Thomas and Percy packaged until summer is here.
My wishlist for HO Scale: Stepney, BoCo, Fernando, Norman, Den, Dart, Porter, Samson, Timothy, Whiff, Hiro, Winston, and Green Salty.
My wishlist for N Scale: Edward, Spencer, Flying Scotsman, Duck, Oliver, Mavis, Sidney, 'Arry and Bert.


Christian said the next stream would be a big one, I'm just curious in what way. Did he mean the guest because I admittedly am drawing a blank on who that could be (ThomasTankMerch Perhaps?)

I could also see some reveals happening. They didn't talk about the the open carriage this stream so that's likely going to be shown off. But assuming Christian meant a big reveal. The only thing I can really think of is some unpainted samples from NMRA 2023. Diesel and Paxton have had prices for a while now so wonder how fast they started work on samples after finishing Gordon and Emily.  I suppose we will see when it happens
Personal Thomas Wishlist

HO: Samson, Bradford, Nia, Norman, Philip, Den, Dart, Hiro, Harvey, Glynn, Brown Utility Vans, Chocolate Syrup Tanker, Well wagon, and Toffee tanker

NG: TR coaches, van 5, Luke, Millie, Victor, and Proteus

N: Edward, Mavis, Duck, and Mail Cars

G: Henrietta and Rosie


Quote from: DustyMarie53! on February 05, 2025, 06:04:35 PMChristian said the next stream would be a big one, I'm just curious in what way. Did he mean the guest because I admittedly am drawing a blank on who that could be (ThomasTankMerch Perhaps?)
I could also see some reveals happening. They didn't talk about the the open carriage this stream so that's likely going to be shown off. But assuming Christian meant a big reveal. The only thing I can really think of is some unpainted samples from NMRA 2023. Diesel and Paxton have had prices for a while now so wonder how fast they started work on samples after finishing Gordon and Emily.  I suppose we will see when it happens

I've been thinking about that too. He did put emphasis on "big." Perhaps the reveal of Bulgy (a bigger bus)? Or maybe N scale Henry the BIG Engine? Who knows, but I can't wait.


I think Bachmann should start making alternate faces, Bachmann have been starting more risks lately for example the Figures, starting the N Scale line and making NG engines. They could sell the faces separately for the engines they have made it's great idea and I reckon could easily pay off.


I don't see a world where these faces don't make money to be honest but perhaps i am wrong.

really called Thomas

Quote from: Coaltronn on February 06, 2025, 02:42:13 PMI don't see a world where these faces don't make money to be honest but perhaps i am wrong.

Indeed. If they sold packs of 5 faces per character (locos and troublesome trucks) I certainly would buy them.

But for how much? $7/8?

Kemptown Branch

Quote from: really called Thomas on February 06, 2025, 02:59:01 PMIndeed. If they sold packs of 5 faces per character (locos and troublesome trucks) I certainly would buy them.

But for how much? $7/8?

I'd imagine that if Bachmann did make face packs, they'd probably be around a similar price point as the figure packs are.
Hoping for Edward and the Milk Tanker in N Scale!

really called Thomas

Quote from: Kemptown Branch on February 06, 2025, 04:47:36 PM
Quote from: really called Thomas on February 06, 2025, 02:59:01 PMIndeed. If they sold packs of 5 faces per character (locos and troublesome trucks) I certainly would buy them.

But for how much? $7/8?

I'd imagine that if Bachmann did make face packs, they'd probably be around a similar price point as the figure packs are.

Yeah, I think my pricing was a little off. Some Locos have face plates available on the spare parts listings (which I probably should have looked at beforehand). Not all the engines have them available, most have face plate plus eyes, but for those that do its $2.45.

Given new designings/toolings, maybe $15 for a set of 5 doesn't seem too unreasonable. [Figure packs range from $18.50 for Trotter and 7 pigs to $23 for Teacher and 5 schoolchildren]


I'd be down for Bachmann to make different facial expressions since here's why: I recently purchased a model of Ryan a couple months ago, and when I opened the packaging he was in, his face plate popped off, as if somewhere along the line the manufacturing process forgot to kind of secure his face tightly or his clip was loose, it got me thinking there should be a possibility of newer faces to add onto the models for variety. We also got two different faces for Diesel, who got a Happy and Grumpy variants, which should say that if Bachmann were able to do this for a character released a decade ago, then there should be priority for a characters released over 2 decades ago too...! At the very least, if Bachmann wants to go down this route, (and this is assuming they also upgrade mainly Thomas, Percy, and James), they probably wouldn't have to worry about making new models and just make the faces to save on money, unless if the models themselves need to be touched up like paintwork (Toby becoming slightly darker brown for example)....


Lets be honest we pay $70 plus dollars for an engine. You give me FIVE faces I'll pay $25-$30 for the set. once you have them your good to go. Their margins would be killer and the Fandom would love it. Yes, we can be nit picky but i think the benefit would be huge for them and us. let alone a trial run of Thomas faces could be a test.


The trouble with faces is that we'd most likely end up with either CGI exclusive faces or a mixture of both classic and CGI. Which if you made a 5 pack you can garuntee that someone will be unhappy because a certain face isn't included. Then you'll probably end up pushing something else out of the production line. It'll probably cause more trouble than its worth. Plus most people get 3D prints from others in the fandom, where you can pick and choose what you want.

We've got 25 HO engines in the range without including Bertie and Cranky, (who both have removable faces) troublesome trucks and other scales. Plus we've had a few products in recent years where they could have done exclusive faces and didn't. (Origins James, LBSC Thomas and Busy Bee James) if they aren't gonna make a new face for a product they can market as a new loco. I honestly can't see them making them separately.
Wishlist HO Stephen, Harvey, Porter, Hiro, Whiff. 009 Luke and Millie, N scale Edward, Duck and Daisy


With the faces I also imagine may be difficult to design around the eyemechs as well, we saw the difficulty that was had with Paxton. And I doubt they would design faces that aren't compatible. I also imagine Mattel may be shakey on signing off on that. Eyeless faces for separate sale could scare children. Now of course they wouldn't be the primary demographic for this kind of product, but that doesn't mean that wouldn't be the reason Mattel would be worried. The kato faces avoided this by not having the holes for the eyemech but there's also other merch in Japan of just the faces. So it isn't as out there over there as it would be stateside.

Definitely may be something to look into for the mainline if the sales for the Kato faces do end up being that great, but I'm admittedly not sure it's something they'd want to do because there are a few inherent risks involved.
Personal Thomas Wishlist

HO: Samson, Bradford, Nia, Norman, Philip, Den, Dart, Hiro, Harvey, Glynn, Brown Utility Vans, Chocolate Syrup Tanker, Well wagon, and Toffee tanker

NG: TR coaches, van 5, Luke, Millie, Victor, and Proteus

N: Edward, Mavis, Duck, and Mail Cars

G: Henrietta and Rosie