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The Everything Thomas Topic

Started by Chaz, August 13, 2019, 12:12:34 AM

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Still no update on Sir Handel or Stanley, but they FINALLY revealed an unpainted sample of the Narrow Gauge High-Side Wagon. Once fully painted, there will be three colors of them. Still no sample of the other Gondola yet, but at least one new unpainted sample has been shown. Looking forward to seeing the High-Side Wagons fully painted. Might be within a few months that we'll see fully painted High-Side Wagons in brown, green and red.

It was exciting to see something we haven't already seen. Maybe soon, they will have an unpainted sample of the Narrow Gauge Gondola, and then they'll really start catching up on Narrow Gauge rolling stock.

Duncan is still under development. Bulgy was confirmed to have been started on, and going through the design process. Doug can't confirm or deny that we're getting N Scale Edward and Henry yet, but they were acknowledged. He knows those products are highly-requested.

With more products said to be coming by the end of year, we can hope the 2025 catalog will have some very exciting announcements.
My wishlist for HO Scale: Stepney, BoCo, Fernando, Norman, Den, Dart, Porter, Samson, Timothy, Whiff, Hiro, Winston, and Green Salty.
My wishlist for N Scale: Edward, Spencer, Flying Scotsman, Duck, Oliver, Mavis, Sidney, 'Arry and Bert.


I will be interested to get Limited Release Thomas Rolling Stock soon at some point in the future. I do really like Original Steam Team sometimes too. I'm not planning to get HO Nia and Rebecca from Bachmann Trains either! It gets worse and worse in the future. I'm planning to get Knapford Express Coaches for Limited Release soon! I will get Limited Release Thomas Rolling Stock in HO/OO Scale someday.


On the stream they said something about Stanley shipping at the end of the year idk how true this could be .

Tbh I don't think we are gonna see much new toolings for NMRA this year we still have the open coach , Duncan , and some narrow gauge rolling stock . We have yet to see any updates on . Not to mention sir Handel seems to be behind Stanley .

An idea I had was for Spencer's brake coach we have a composite coach But not a brake coach

I think a brake coach for Spencer is 16 years overdue .

Troublsome truck 7 is also over due I think it's gonna be the LNER 12 ton van.

Lei could also happen as he is a LNER 12 ton van .

And both would add more trucks with faces to the Bachmann range .


Once again. still no sign of Sir Handel just yet, but they did tease an unpainted sample of Stanley, which will be shown in the August Trainworld Stream in like three weeks. They managed to get Stanley ready before Sir Handel, who was announced long before.

They just recently got unpainted samples of the Narrow Gauge High Side Wagon and Stanley. Other products awaiting unpainted samples include not just Sir Handel, but also the Narrow Gauge Gondola, Gunpowder Wagon, Duncan, the HO Scale Open Carriage, Bulgy, N Scale Diesel/Paxton and the Express Coaches. It's going to be a while before we hear progress on Duncan or the Gunpowder Wagons. The N Scale Express Coaches are still not up for preorder.
My wishlist for HO Scale: Stepney, BoCo, Fernando, Norman, Den, Dart, Porter, Samson, Timothy, Whiff, Hiro, Winston, and Green Salty.
My wishlist for N Scale: Edward, Spencer, Flying Scotsman, Duck, Oliver, Mavis, Sidney, 'Arry and Bert.


Yeah Duncan is so far away right now it's insane . I expect to see the prototype of him summer 2025 if we are lucky for a late 2026 release .

I feel as if Stanley's unpainted prototype could shown off at the NMRA 2024 next month .

Maybe for September Thomas Tuesday we could see sir Handel .


Does Bachmann use 3D printing for the models of theirs?

Yard Master


All of our model trains are made with either plastic injection moulding or with die casting. 3D printing is great for small batches or parts, but not well suited to mass production of a full ready-to-run train.


So recently Capsule Plarail had an interesting magazine article. In it they said they were aiming to make every CGI character in the line eventually. Why does this matter to this forum, you might ask?

Well, originally, in 2016, they said their goal was to complete EVERY character. Suddenly it's changed to CGI only. Just like how Bachmann has said they can't do Stepney. Now, this is speculation. But I think, with the advent of the reboot, Mattel has requested the licensees to stick to the CGI style guides for new molds to avoid possible issues with cohesion and confusion with what to use as reference. Hence why every recent model series rolling stock piece we've gotten has been alongside a CGI variant and/or a prexisting mold, and Stepney is currently off the table. It's a way to give every company outside of Mattel a specific style to stick to now that there is two very radically different interpretations of Thomas, easier to avoid confusion that way. That is likely why the rule exists, do I think it's a good rule? No, not really. I'd really like a capsule Derek. But it seems we're likely stuck with it for a bit. Granted. AEG might be ending next year, so hopefully that means the contracts can change back. We just have to wait and see.
Personal Thomas Wishlist

HO: Samson, Bradford, Nia, Norman, Philip, Den, Dart, Hiro, Harvey, Glynn, Brown Utility Vans, Chocolate Syrup Tanker, Well wagon, and Toffee tanker

NG: TR coaches, van 5, Luke, Millie, Victor, and Proteus

N: Edward, Mavis, Duck, and Mail Cars

G: Henrietta and Rosie


I don't think that is the case because if that was the Thomas & friends classics channel would not put both on it . Not to mention CP has done characters such as BoCo in recent waves after a long time of not being available .

The figure packs are gonna be shown off next Thomas Tuesday And maybe even at the show In August . These packs were a long term project that happened to beat sir Handel . I hope we see him soon. 
The post almost hinted that this could not be it for new stuff they will off in August so maybe sir Handel then who knows

N Scale Sudrian

Quote from: Awesometrain77 on July 16, 2024, 06:49:11 PMI don't think that is the case because if that was the Thomas & friends classics channel would not put both on it . Not to mention CP has done characters such as BoCo in recent waves after a long time of not being available .

I think what Marie was theorizing would only apply to making new toys or models of 'Thomas' characters in a post-'All Engines Go' world... so it wouldn't necessarily apply to what media can or can't be rerun... As for BoCo and other characters with odd resurgences in Plarails... I figure they're allowed to use any characters that have already been made for the line, in the same way S.C. Ruffey, Jeremy, and Spiteful Brake Van are allowed to continue existing in Bachmann's own line-up...

The theory sounds plausible to me, even if it would be a disappointing state of affairs... I think it would be somewhat hypocritical for Mattel to take this stance regarding non-'CGI' characters given their repeated use of Bulstrode among the 'CGI' style toys post-'AEG'... But I suppose its within their rights to be more strict towards licensees than their own internal team, given they're the ones holding the keys... It will be interesting to return to this topic once the HOn30 Narrow Gauge line runs out of 'CGI' characters, I assume that will be the breaking point as to whether or not this stipulation is true or not (or if it perhaps will be amended in the coming years)...
N Scale modeler. Primarily interested in UK and US outline stock, as well as the "Thomas" line.
Hoping for Edward and Mavis...


Not only is Stanley's unpainted sample going to be shown off in the August Trainworld Stream, but they're also going to show the fully painted samples of the HO Scale figures. Those finally came in, and were teased tonight.

Sir Handel's unpainted sample might be next, or the Narrow Gauge Gondola. Maybe Sir Topham Hatt's Car fully painted.
My wishlist for HO Scale: Stepney, BoCo, Fernando, Norman, Den, Dart, Porter, Samson, Timothy, Whiff, Hiro, Winston, and Green Salty.
My wishlist for N Scale: Edward, Spencer, Flying Scotsman, Duck, Oliver, Mavis, Sidney, 'Arry and Bert.


Wow we don't have a brake coach for Spencer .


Wow! Definitely a lot more announcements this time around for the NMRA.  Second year in a row where the NMRA announcements dominated the catalog announcements too.  No complaints on that though.  Anyways...

I think everyone and their grandma was expecting Sidney to happen at some point in the future, so I'm surprised it took Bachmann this long to announce him.  I am hoping once production starts they give Sidney a different eye mech than the one with Diesel so he does not suffer a similar problem that the HO model of Paxton did. Nonetheless, it's nice to finally get the obvious repaint out of the way, and I'm sure those who struggled with making the custom are going to be very happy with this one.

The mainland diesel on the other hand caught me off guard despite it being a repaint.  I kind of wrote it off as it was just generally a "nobody character" but I guess I'll have to eat my own words on that one. Definitely going to be interesting to see how this model will do sales wise despite it being such a minor character in the brand.  I see this one going either way in terms of sales.  It's either going to be a peg warmer or it may do surprisingly well like Beau with people buying multiple units for recreating mainland sets. Guess we're gonna have to wait and see on that one.

The HO rolling stock announcements, however, I am a lot more excited for.  Lots to say about these choices.  A lot of people have been asking for a re-introduction of the tar tanker, and it's really nice seeing that finally addressed. Especially with the updated decal to match that of the first season and the CGI series as well. I will definitely be picking up a handful of these once they are out.

The flatbed with diesel oil is a pretty nice surprise as well.  Always welcome seeing more model era stock getting recognition in 2024.  I'm sure they did this as an easy repaint with a reuse of the paint drum tooling, but still pretty cool to see this happen all the same.  I may pick some of these up as well.

And finally, the China truck, which I figured was going to be a wagon repaint with a different load, is a nice addition too.  Curious to see how the load will turn out, though I wouldn't be surprised if it was just the coal load repainted. 

Without a doubt, my favorite announcement out of the bunch, (and likely a lot of others as well) is the N scale Henry! Henry was the most obvious, if not inevitable pick for the next new engine in N scale, but nonetheless, a very welcome addition!  He's been on the top of many wishlists for a while now, and I have no doubt we will see Edward get his announcement next year for the 80th anniversary once Gordon and Emily are released.  Very excited for this one and I'll be placing a preorder on Henry as soon as it's available.

Now for the N scale rolling stock, I'll start with the more positive one first which is Hannah.

I really appreciate the fact that they're already jumping on Hannah in N scale.  I figured that they would reuse the tooling for Henrietta to make her and release her either alongside or after the Henrietta model. Either way, I am in full support of this because they have found a way to utilize the Henrietta tooling and the fact we are even getting Henrietta at all is still pretty incredible to me.  I also like how this (and the brake van) really help give the N scale range its own identity with exclusive products that has not been announced in HO or large scale previously and I'm all for it.  I'll be purchasing Hannah solely because I appreciate them for making this happen, not so much because of the character. 

And finally we are getting a brake van in N scale that isn't Toad, which is nice seeing addressed but... the LMS brake van...?  Definitely a strange choice, seeing as how the BR 20 ton brake van Bachmann's made in both HO and large scale previously seemed like the obvious choice to go for since it is a lot more iconic and offers more repaint options (including the spiteful brake van).  Heck, if it came down to it, there's a decent Farish tooling of the BR brake van they could have used.

Speaking of Farish toolings, you may have noticed on how they commented on Henry (and Hannah strangely) as "new toolings" while the brake van (and all the HO announcements) were simply labeled as just "new".  Pretty much a given that the brake van Bachmann announced will be a Farish tooling, which I'm sure was a factor with why they picked this one.  Either way, I hope this doesn't write off the BR tooling from happening in the future.  The optimistic side of me is hoping that they went with the LMS Farish tooling since it was easier for them to make and they want to save the BR brake van later as the large scale model scaled down to N like the box vans.  It's a strange choice either way, but not the worst thing in the world they could have added either. 

And finally, although technically not a Thomas product, Bachmann is introducing an N scale roundhouse which was the same brick roundhouse that was previously reused as Tidmouth sheds in HO.  Definitely an interesting choice for sure.  Could we possibly be getting an N scale Tidmouth sheds next year for the 80th anniversary..?  If that's the case, hope this means more accessories will join the N scale range in the future.  My former student is a huge fan of Cranky the Crane and wants him in N scale, so hopefully that's not far off from the future too. 

So apart from my indifference to the N scale brake van, I really do like a lot of these announcements and I think this is all around a really solid lineup.  I'm especially happy the N scale Henry and the new HO rolling stock.  I'm even in full support of N scale Hannah coming out as well too.  We're still very clearly in a catch-up year since everything, barring N Henry, are all repaints.  Even with N Henry though, he shares the same chassis as Gordon in the show so there's that much more going for him too as far as easier projects are concerned. 

That being said, I think at the rate we are going, I think we will be getting plenty more to come with the 80th anniversary next year, and I am all for that.  Especially if it means Edward can be announced in N scale for the brands 80th anniversary which is probably the most poetic announcement they could do for that special occasion.  Thanks Bachmann for making this all possible, as always looking forward to further updates on these and several other projects in the future!
Modeler of HO/OO, OO9 and N scale.  Hoping for HO Hiro, Narrow gauge Luke, and N scale Edward and Duck.


Wow, must say I am incredibly happy with these announcements. It proves to me that Bachmann is revving up for the anniversary, getting repaints out of the way, amazing rolling stock announcements, And N scale Henry.

I wish the China clay truck was the original design, but what are you going to do? The oil drum car I am very excited for. I'm definitely going to be getting quite a few of them. The Tar tanker is a brilliant re-introduction especially with that added decal.

Overall I can't tell you how happy I am with what I saw, and what I didn't see. It proves to me that the future for Bachmann Thomas is very bright and the anniversary year will be something to look forward to.
All I want is, Stepney, Boco, Harvey.


These announcements I can get behind. Surprised Sidney and one of the Mainland diesels were chosen instead of bringing 'Arry and Bert back, but you can't win them all, I suppose. Happy with all of the rolling stock choices, and will be placing preorders when TrainWorld has links ready.

N Scale Henry definitely makes me happy. After all these years, the original Tomix quartet of Thomas, Percy, James and Henry is now complete in N scale. I agree with Chaz: hopefully, Edward will be announced for the 80th Anniversary next year, for obvious reasons. The brake van announcement also makes me happy. As far as Hannah is concerned, I wasn't exactly wild about her or her episode, but glad to see that they're putting the Henrietta tooling to good use already, I suppose.