how sharp a curve can on-30 take?

Started by jerry w in FL, June 30, 2019, 06:41:29 PM

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jerry w in FL

i've got a Bachmann Wonderland Express On-30 with HO E-Z Track. i'm finishing up my permanent Christmas village layout which i was hoping to have the train completely encircle. However, i'd prefer to narrow the last few feet to about a 32 inches deep curve vs the rest being at 36 deep (cutting in to dining room table space!).
Of course i've got alternatives if i cant make the curve back sharper - chop off the end of the loop sooner or just eat up the dining room space.
Any advise will be greatly appreciated & thanks in advance.
Jerry W - Largo, FL

Terry Toenges

It will run on 15" radius curves. I have run mine  on 15" curves for a few Christmases. Most people will say they look better on larger curves. The layout I'm building now use a lot of 15" curves and I will run my Moguls on it. 15" radius equals 32" diameter total from track edge to track edge.
Feel like a Mogul.

jerry w in FL

Thanks for the reply. Now i'll just have to grab some sharper curve pieces (get ready wallet!) & figure out how to make that swerve in to the smaller radius.
Actually, i wish i'd asked the question earlier, cause i just finished expanding the current base depth about 3-4 inches to give the track more breathing room & not be pinched! But it actually looks better & gave me room to add a Bachmann street crossing with signal arms & some Dept 56 old fashioned telephone poles & maybe even a road alongside.
Now i've gotta decide how to integrate a Bachmann Trestle kit in to the new part (bought it before i knew if i could actually use it). Dont we all do that?  "Well, that'd be nice to add - somewhere"!!
BTW - i forgot to mention in the original question, that since this is a Christmas village display, i wont have the train zipping around the track like it was trying to catch the Roadrunner - beep beep.
Thanks again for the advice & have a great weekend everyone.
Happy Chugging - whether involves a train or a stein!
Jerry - Largo, FL

Terry Toenges

Maybe you can post pictures when you get it up.
Feel like a Mogul.

jerry w in FL

Will do. I've promised photos to the ladies at the local Michaels where i get a lot of my stuff, so i'll include you guys too. i've got a short vid of the current setup on my Google acct but it doesnt show the train in action yet. Actually, when done, it'll have 4 trains - the original battery one around the town square, the Wonderland Express looping entire bottom layer, 1 stationary exiting a mountain on the upper tier (with handmade trestle), & a new Bachmann streetcar i just acquired.
The whole display is Alexa controlled so i can turn on/off individual animated pieces or different sections.  Yeah, sometimes me & her get in arguments! i had to change the name from trolley to street car cause she kept telling me she couldnt find a device named Charlie!!  Didnt know my english was that bad :-(
Will keep everyone posted as i work thru that slim-down to a smaller curve back & get everything going.
Happy 4th everyone - celebrate safe.
Jerry - Largo, FL

Terry Toenges

This is from 2016. The Mogul is running on the dog bone on the second level up. The far end by the wall  is 15" curves and the near end is 18" curves.
Feel like a Mogul.

jerry w in FL

Thanks for the link Terry. That's an awesome setup. Luv the way the tracks curve around & thru the mountains. Because of the number of buildings i have, my mountain area is limited - more like the Great Plains  ;D