Started by train_guy2511, June 21, 2019, 12:06:08 AM

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hello once again to all!!! i will be adding several turnouts to new layout, i will be buying the remote switches, dcc is to expensive. i saw on youtube how to connect wires to switch boxes, but then saw they had to coonect i believe the red wire to the dc on dc controller. question now is, do i need to buy a dc controller? i already have the bachmann dcc controller, will it be able to operate the turnouts.  thnx :)


For the non-DCC turnouts you'll need a 14 - 16 volt power supply rated for at least 1 amp. It doesn't matter if the output is AC or DC, the turnouts will operate on either. An old trainset power pack, or heavy duty "wall wart", will work nicely.

If at first you don't succeed, throw it in the spare parts box.



Our club usd a CDI, capacitive discharge unit to prevent burning out a coil.
Happened once many years ago. Back in the 80's I think. The points hung up on a turnout and someone pushed the switch too long so we put the CDI in. It was a job to replace the turnout.
A Circuitron Snapper can do the job. Your choice.
AC off a Bachmann pack is what many use but DC will work.
You can build a CDI with a capacitor and a couple resistors. Circuits online.
Have fun.
We really like the Tortoise.
