still waiting for a Bachmann Prairie..........

Started by John Tumolo, November 18, 2018, 03:56:19 PM

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John Tumolo

Hey, gang-It's that time of year again-time to start singing "All I want for Christmas is a 2-6-2, a 2-6-2, a 2-6-2"  For all of you modeling the Maine 2 footers in On30, keep on asking Bachmann to build us one.  Thankfully, we got our Forneys, now it's time for a Prairie.  I don't know if I'll buy 5 of 'em like I did the Forneys, but I'm good for at least 2.  Come on, sing it with me-"All I want............" 
Merry Christmas to you all, and a Happy New Year, too!

John Tumolo


May all your dreams come true! I however, would prefer a mike...or at least a reissue of the connie.


I tried to add a picture of a New Zealand Railways N class 2-6-2 from the 19th Century.

A beautiful narrow gauge loco.

Sadly, the forum told me the file is full.

Terry Toenges

Zebedee - The picture has to be on another internet site and the internet address copied to here between the image tags. You can't load one directly to the Bachmann Forum.
Feel like a Mogul.