Running an F7A and F7B together.

Started by DAVISinGP, December 10, 2018, 04:10:25 PM

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I'm considering acquiring the Kato N scale Super Chief when it is released early next year.

This might be a silly question, but I have never run two locomotives in the same consist, and I'm wondering the procedure. Is it just a matter of assigning both locos the same address? Would I want/need sound on the B unit?




For locomotive units that will always be run together, using the same number is a simple way to "consist" them.  There are other ways, but they depend on who manufactured your DCC command station.

Regarding whether sound is needed/wanted in both units:  If you get both units with sound, they will still sound like one unit because the two sound files are identical and are playing in sync.  However, a Control Variable (CV) can be set to slightly delay one, so that it sounds like 2 separate units.  Of course, if they have the same number, you will need to off-set the timing in one unit while the other unit is not on the programming track.  Once changed, the difference will remain for future operating sessions.


Thanks. Most of that makes sense.  :)

Can anyone direct me to a source that explains programming of DCC locos (i.e. setting a CV)?

I have a Digital Commander set, but have never done anything other than set addresses for locos and switches.


The E-Z Command Control Center can indirectly program a few CVs. It cannot program by user supplied CV number.

You will have to replace your Bachmann DCC controller to take full advance of what can be done with DCC and leverage the capability of the DCC decoder factory installed in the Kato locomotive. Refer to the decoder documentation for what CVs are supported and to the DCC system you select for how to program the decoder's CVs.



I won't be using my Bachmann controller for the Kato set, but I obviously have a bit of research to do.


There is no reason that you cannot use the Bachmann DCC controller for the Kato A and B cab units together.  Just change their addresses to the same number.  Or, just run them both on short address 3 without changing anything.  Just make sure that they are both trying to run in the same direction.  Put them on the track not coupled to each other and run them.  If the B unit is running in the opposite direction of the A unit, turn it around on the track.  Then coupe them together and go pull a train.