DCC chip for Bachmann Alco S4 DCC ready engine

Started by [email protected], August 03, 2018, 12:27:53 PM

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[email protected]

On the Digitrax website it indicates that the DH165IP chip is the correct one for the S4 engine. I installed one in my Bachmann Alco S4 engine, and it doesn't work correctly. I have no speed control. The engine works as it's supposed to with the dummy chip in place as a DC engine. I have sent the Digitrax chip back to them twice and they've returned it to me twice, but the problem persists. Evidently, they don't try it in an actual S4 engine, but they say they returned the chip to factory settings. Well, the factory settings don't work, and their website is incorrect in indicating this is the proper chip for the S4 engine. I'm very dissatisfied with Digitrax.

Does anyone know which chip will work correctly in the Bachmann Alco S4 engine to convert it from DC to DCC?


You can put a Bachmann decoder in if you don't need a more advanced decoder.


Try a base Soundtraxx decoder they are top notch motor control silent running and cost less then the Bachmann decoder. I would not recommend the Bachmann decoder to someone that is already not happy with their situation with their Bachmann loco.They make them run ,but not as well as they can with another modern decoder silent tuning type.////// Then try running it with the new decoder .If same issue then send the loco back to Bachmann to have them replace the bad 8 pin board ,or replace the loco all together. Call service and ask for Laura the manager and explain the situation you are having . Have some experience with them and they can be very helpful.



When you say you have no speed control does it just sit there? Or does it take off running at full throttle?
Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA

[email protected]


I put a dh165ip from digitrax  into my S4 CP and it runs beautifully.  I plan on using this decoder in other engines I own because of it size makes it easy for clearances.


Quote from: [email protected] on August 04, 2018, 11:14:35 AM
It takes off running at full speed.

I see in another forum you have the EZ Command DCC system. You cannot do a decoder reset or modify CV's.

Find someone with a more advance DCC system.


[email protected]

I took the Alco S4 DCC ready engine with the Digitrax chip in it to a hobby shop, and it worked correctly there with a different controller than the Bachmann EZ Command that I use. Now I'm thinking that the Bachmann EZ Command controller isn't up to the job of running a Bachmann S4 DCC ready engine with a DCC chip.

Your thoughts?


I use a mrc prodigy advance square 2 and it works fine. I also have a nce power cab starter control and it works fine with it. maybe Bachmann ez command doesn't work with digitrax chips. just a thought.


Quote from: [email protected] on August 27, 2018, 10:01:18 PM
I took the Alco S4 DCC ready engine with the Digitrax chip in it to a hobby shop, and it worked correctly there with a different controller than the Bachmann EZ Command that I use. Now I'm thinking that the Bachmann EZ Command controller isn't up to the job of running a Bachmann S4 DCC ready engine with a DCC chip.

Your thoughts?

By the way, it is a decoder, not a chip. The chips are on the decoder. Trivia.
All I have seen in different DCC discussions there is a CV that needs changing on the decoder when a loco takes off at full speed. I think the  hobby shop changed the CV. A very minor thing.
This discussion has come up in these forums in the past.
The Bachmann EZ Command is capable of running Digitrax decoders.
The EZ Command cannot modify CV's, only program loco numbers. Other than than, it is an ok system. It can even control sound decoders.


[email protected]

The man at the hobby shop said he didn't do anything to the loco/decoder. It ran perfectly as it was. The only thing different is that he used a different DCC controller. I'm thinking the Bachmann EZ Command is not recognizing some of the CVs.


You may want to try reprogramming the decoder this way since it is Digitrax:


The EZ Command unit will have no problems with a decoder that is NMRA compliant and programmed properly.