Looking for Train Shows for Large Scale Trains

Started by Plow_Bender, May 04, 2018, 10:58:03 PM

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Good evening everyone,
Ever since I got into large scale model railroading about 8 years ago, I've wanted to take time and setup some (if not all) of my large scale trains on display at shows.  Last Christmas I had the perfect opportunity to setup at a show a local train club was holding, but I was informed I couldn't setup unless I was a member.  In order to do so, I would have to fill out a registration sheet, pay a $20 membership fee, and was told that afterwards they "may" be able to reserve me a spot for the 2018 show.  In the end, I didn't have the time to be bothered, so nothing ever became of that...

I also had the opportunity back in April to attend a show at the local mall that a group of fellow hobbyists were putting together.  Sadly that show ended up getting canceled after the mall recently changed hands and the new owner didn't want people setting up there.  That was a real disappointment for me being it was only a half hour drive from where I live, it would have been the perfect place to setup.

So the question I would like to ask is, does anyone know some place where I can find information on upcoming train shows?  I'm mainly looking for shows around Pennsylvania and/or Ohio that are about an hour or so drive time from where I live.  I'm also looking for shows that run about a days time where I can setup in the morning and take down in the afternoon/evening.  I also wouldn't mind hitting a few 2 day shows.

If anyone knows where I could find some info, please let me know.

"If you can't beat them, hire someone to do it..."


Thanks for the reply, Bill!

Unfortunately I'm not seeing many shows around my area.  Does this just cover the bigger shows or are model train shows in general a dying trend?

"If you can't beat them, hire someone to do it..."

Loco Bill Canelos

Garden Railways magazine has a list of trainshows, might find something there.  Also check out this link:

Loco Bill
Loco Bill,  Roundhouse Foreman
Colorado & Kansas Railway-Missouri Western Railway
Official Historian; Bachmann Large Scale
Retired Colorado RR Museum-Brakeman-Engineer-Motorman-Trainman
There are no dumb or stupid questions, just questions!