N Scale 2-10-2, send in or get new tender/decoder

Started by stljeffbb, March 23, 2018, 02:09:36 PM

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Hello everyone....first off, I am very thankful for Bachmann's great steam offerings in N Scale, and I hope they continue this trend! 

I have a 2-10-2 that does not move anymore although the lights still come on and in the proper direction.  I use DCC mode exclusively. 

I get the feeling that this could very well be a decoder issue (based on reading many posts and second hand experiences).  I also see (thanks to spookshow for the great review and pics!) that it looks fairly straight-forward to hook up the connector to a new tender.

On the flip side, I owned a 2-8-8-4 EM-1 that also did this (lights but no movement)...I returned it and spoke directly with a repair person who suggested "the rods were bound up"...I really liked that loco, so I used the proceeds of the replacement they sent me (a very nice 2-8-4 with sound, but it did not fit my plans) to help in the purchase of two more EM-1s which still both run well.  With that said, although I'm not 100% sure what "bound up rods" would look like, I can confirm that at one point it was running fine, but then one day it barely ran, and then stopped running.  When I inspect it, I do not see any issues with the rods, but I imagine that even a small issue could cause big problems, and well, my eyes ain't quite what they used to be ;) 

I would prefer to still have my 2-10-2 as opposed to a replacement loco of another kind (assuming the Bachmann store does not have one anymore) if I send it in...

So, please advise o sages of the Bachmann forum!  Should I send it in, or hope that it is a decoder issue that can be fixed with a new tender/decoder. 

Thanks in advance for any replies,



The 2-10-2 is discontinued.

Call Bachmann Service to learn what your current options are.


Just out of curiosity what DCC system are you using?


Quote from: Yardmaster on March 24, 2018, 11:08:57 AM
Just out of curiosity what DCC system are you using?
Hello Yardmaster....I am using Bachmann EZ-Command.   
