Woodland Scenics and Grand Valley Layout using Bachmann EZ NS Track

Started by joho, March 10, 2018, 07:56:09 PM

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I see this topic from 2015 but nothing later. Newbie to Model Trains and really like the layout of the Grand Valley track; one train that runs around perimeter and then transitions to "8". I'm on a 4 x 8 and using DCC; right now my track is oval; minimal at best. I plan on using one train only. I noticed that Woodland revised their track layout (based on Atlas Code 83 Track) due to Atlas discontinuing pieces. I emailed them re: using Bachmann and of course they follow the copy on their site. "May need to be tweaked". In the post on this forum from 2105 one person mentioned that the tunnels may cause problems as the EZ track is wider than the roadbed being used when using Atlas, and may need to adjust. Yet from the layout instructions from Woodland, all track is sitting on their foam risers with some inclines / declines - and all of these are 2.5" wide, while EZ track is 2.0" wide. Also, comments re: the truss bridge and needing to compensate for that. Anyhow - just curious if anyone out there has actually done the Grand Valley layout / design using Bachmann EZ track NS. And if they encountered any issues with tunnels, bridges, inclines, etc. I appreciate any feedback. Thank you.

Terry Toenges

Here's a Youtube video of it. I can't see any reason why you couldn't use E-Z Track since the whole thing is set on the WS stuff. If you look on the side bar of this video, there are a number of Grand Valley videos.
Feel like a Mogul.


Terry - thank you. Yes, I've watched a few and thought it could work. But reading the forum comments from 2015 concerned me. So before I invest too heavily thought it might be good to throw out there. Appreciate your links!



thanks. yes, I saw your comments! I may need to stick with Atlas!

Terry Toenges

After I did a little more searching, I found the one you referenced Hunt.
As far as short tunnel portals, I used to take 1/4" foam board and cut small squares. I would glue them 2 high under the legs of the portal to compensate for the height of the E-Z Track.
Feel like a Mogul.
