I must be missing something . . .

Started by FPC, December 08, 2007, 12:35:50 PM

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How many people like me does it take to change a light bulb?  I feel stupid.  I have an HO scale Prairie 2-6-2 NY Central Steam Locomotive.  Headlamp burned out and I can't get at it.  How do I get the case opened without breaking something?  Help!


Could you be a bit more definite about who manufactured your locomotive, how long you have had it ... etc.? The more information like that you can provide the better chance you will have of receiving some help. There are some helpful experts on this forum, but they need these kinds of details.

ICRR Steam & "Green Diamond" era modeler


Thanks for the note.  It was made by Bachmann in 2000.  HO Scale, Prairie 2-6-2.  Model/Stock # 51520.  I've unscrewed the top from the chassis but can't crack the code to opening up the little compartment that houses the headlamp.

Pacific Northern

Pacific Northern


Thanks for the link!  The diagram/schematic at that website is what I needed.  I now see how it comes apart.  I appreciate the help.