Photos that make you go "Hmm..."

Started by Terry Toenges, November 05, 2017, 09:19:32 AM

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Terry Toenges

A photo by James Belmont on the Railroad Fools Facebook page. Is this a "crossing in progress" or has the track with the siding been abandoned?;board=1.0
Feel like a Mogul.


When ever a track is taken out of service, as soon as possible the crossing is removed.  It will be taken out as a unit and mover to the side.  They may have even set the crossing on the out of service track.  If the track is ever put back in service, it is a simple job to put it back.  Crossing are bad news for railroads.  When the Rock Island shut down in eastern Ok. The KCS pulled the crossing.  It turned out that the Rock had some cars they need to pull out.  They raised the track about a foot and put rails over the KCS tracks and pulled the cars, removed the rails and that was it.

Terry Toenges

Thanks for that. That is very informative. I didn't know crossings were built elsewhere and brought in. I didn't know they were one piece that could be lifted out and set aside. I just thought they were constructed on site.
Feel like a Mogul.


The rust on the railhead says "out of service ".

Terry Toenges

Feel like a Mogul.


It looks like it was a good main line rr


Terry Toenges

Feel like a Mogul.


The title implies judgmental uninformed morons.