Peter Witt trolley question

Started by J. S. Bach, July 18, 2017, 10:54:27 PM

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J. S. Bach

Sometime after the Witt was introduced, there was a person (in or near Boston, MA, I believe) that would convert these to scale wheels and pole to be able to run on scale layouts such as the East Penn Traction Club modules. Does anyone here remember who and if they are still doing it? Note that the wheels were not insulated for two-rail, the car runs off of the overhead wire.

Later Gator,


"A fruit is a vegetable with looks and money. Plus, if you let fruit rot, it turns into wine, something Brussels sprouts never do." ~P.J. O'Rourke


JP, of Acton MA, USA writes:

There is a  model railroad club in the city of Roslindale MA, called the Bay State Model Railroad Museum ( This organization features a O scale train / trolley layout. The members involved with the O scale train / trolley layout, could (possibly) do a conversion, for you. Every week, on Wednesday nights, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM, the Bay State Model Railroad Museum has 'public visitation' nights. If you were to visit, during a 'public visitation' nights, you could ask any of the O Trolley folks, if they could do a conversion. Alternately, There is a company, called Q Car Co (, located in Bangor PA, that could do a conversion.

One of the members of the O Trolley group at the Bay State Model Railroad Museum, is Charles Pitts.
If you are on Facebook, here is a link to his Facebook account:
Alternately, you could contact him by E-Mail: [email protected].

Hope this helps.

J. S. Bach

Thank you. That information cued up a latent memory but without the names. I am familiar with Q-Car and use a few of his products but he would want to replace the drive with his own. I just want the wheel flanges turned down to scale dimensions as there is nothing wrong with the WBB drive. At a Deland, Florida train show I remember talking to a fellow from Boston who had a couple of operating East Penn compatible modules there and asking him about the conversion. My mistake was not writing anything down. Again, thank you, I will be contacting them soon.
Later Gator,


"A fruit is a vegetable with looks and money. Plus, if you let fruit rot, it turns into wine, something Brussels sprouts never do." ~P.J. O'Rourke

J. S. Bach

Confession: I never did get around to contacting the person mentioned above but, two weeks ago, six of his conversions showed up on ebay for the second time, they did not sell the first time, those I did not see them until after the auction had ended. I bought three and a friend bought the other three. In one of mine was a sales receipt from a Plantation, FL hobby shop signed by Adrian* . A lot of his stuff had recently been auctioned off by Stout's and someone picked these Witts up and flogged them on da' bay.. What made these cars interesting was that Adrian* was a member of the same mr club that I had been a member of when I lived in FL; I knew him quite well.

*Not his real name, btw.
Later Gator,


"A fruit is a vegetable with looks and money. Plus, if you let fruit rot, it turns into wine, something Brussels sprouts never do." ~P.J. O'Rourke