What is the Bachmann scale in large or G scale

Started by chenashea, December 01, 2007, 08:29:29 PM

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Total rookie here.  Is the Bachmann scale in G 1/24, 1/29 or 1/32?  Thank You.  I am trying to make a few home made scale model builings such as a train station, etc.  How tall should one story be in inches or actual height in feet to go along with my newly acquired "Silverton Express" (for the grandchildren that is)???


the Bach-man

Dear Chena,
Our LS trains are either 1:22.5 (most of the Big Haulers) or 1:20.3 (most of the Spectrum models).
Have fun!
the Bach-man


Your Silverton Express is a Big Hauler Set in 1:22.5 scale, just a bit larger than 1:24. A five foot person would be just over 2.5 inches, 6 foot person, a bit bigger than 3 inches. LGB and Bachmann figures are 1:22.5.
There a quite a few commercially available kits than can serve as guide line. Piko and Pola kits in 1:22.5. Colorado Model Structures (http://coloradomodel.com/) and Smith Pond Junction (http://spjrr.com/masterkits.html) in 1:24 and many more. Grandt Line makes windows and doors in 1:24 also.
Some on line resources for railroad structure dimensions - http://www.cwrr.com/Drawings/ and http://prr.railfan.net/standards/standards.cgi?plan=&rr=&type=STRU.
This http://www.grblogs.com/index.php?blog=25&cat=82 will take you to my blog showing my kit, kitbashed and scratch buildings.

President of


Thank You Bach-man and Alterrain.  My two grandsons coming in from Italy will be overjoyed with the little set up I am making.  I have a basement study that i now rarely use, since I am retired, and a adjorning work room where I made a small hole in the wall to connect the two rooms and this will be a tunnel.  This will keep me busy for the cold winter up here in Ohio and I love basements.

Thanks Again..Rocky