Miniature Wunderland + Behind the scenes tour

Started by martin t, November 18, 2016, 01:00:09 PM

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Yes they spent a lot of money, but they take in a lot of money.

Steve Magee

Having looked at layouts across the world - well, a few parts of it - US, UK, Europe - I find very, very, VERY few layouts are operated as a Model Railway (or railroad) - that is, as a railway in model form. Because if we did, it would be so complex (think of the paperwork for a start) there would be hardly anybody doing it. Do you set out your front- and rear-end brakemen before switching? Allow time for air lines to pump up? Stop at water points for steam long enough to fill a tender? Etc. We all compromise, some more than others. Here's a link to my compromise, though it has detailed up a bit since most of the pics were taken:

And yes, in my travels in Europe I did visit Miniature Wonderland. I thought it was amazing. In the hours I was there, not one derailment, no uncoupling, no failures. I would have killed for their work bench. I enjoyed every minute of it, though I wish my then one-year-old grandson was just that bit older to really enjoy it, and help sway him to the path of the Light, even if its a Mars Light.

Financing Miniature Wonderland? True story, I am told. The two principles involved went to a bank in Hamburg, and told the manager they were going to build a big model train set and all the world would come and see it, and asked for the money to build it. "OK", said the manager, "Here's x million Euros". Sigh.

Steve Magee
On30 Lumber Mountain RR
Newcastle NSW Aust


Steve do you recall what it cost to get into wonderland?

Terry Toenges

I was wondering if it is bigger than Northlandz so I figured it out. Northlandz also has a small doll museum and art gallery included in their building.
Northlandz building is 52000 sq ft. That's 3831 sq meters.
Wunderland building is 6800 sq meters. That is 73194sq ft.
Track N - 50450 ft
Track W - 50524 ft.
Trains N - up to 100
Trains w - 1040
I guess I can deduce from that that Northlandz trains' have longer runs that Wunderland(?)
That's about all the stats that can be compared with the figures they both give.

Feel like a Mogul.