Older model Bachmann DCC onboard loco and decoder

Started by jld, July 06, 2016, 12:36:50 PM

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I was recently given an older model Bachmann FT- B unit with what appears to be an older model DCC decoder marked
My questions are,
1.  Are there any instruction sheets available for this model decoder?
2.  Is there a way to add a sound decoder and if so what brand and model is recommended?
3.  Since it was a B unit there are no lights with it, so is it possible to add at least a headlight and any other accessory lights?
Thanks for any help.


Quoting CACOLE from a 2012 post:

"That PCB that is in the loco is NOT a decoder, it is a constant lighting circuit for only the lights. "

I have an older Spectrum 70-tonner that also has a pc board that that looks like a decoder but runs on DC and the board controls the lights only.  It is signifcantly thinner than the dual-mode DCC decoder on my more-recent 70-tonner.

You may find it a challenge to make room for a speaker but it is possible.

Soundtraxx has a decoder selector function on its website: 


Hate to tell you but it is a dcc decoder.  Works and responds on my dcc layout just like my other units.


Aah, I misunderstood your question, I though the implication was that it wasn't working on your layout.  My older Spectrum unit won't respond unless I set my EZ Command it to F10.  I'll have to compare the model # of the board on my unit vs. yours.