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modifying bowser moter gearing and linkage

Started by electrical whiz kid, April 17, 2016, 08:10:14 AM

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electrical whiz kid

Just picked up some Bowser 0-4-0 chassis and drivers.  Save the drivers, basic rods, and frame, there isn't much-I hadn't expected more than that.  I plan to use one in a "little joe" body, and with the other two, for an A-6 switcher(s).  Again, these frames are pretty basic (no motor, gearing, etc.);  I would appreciate some feedback on the gory details of motorizing, and gears.  Thank you ahead of time.

Rich C.



Check out Yardbird Trains.  They make all kinds of parts for old locomotives, including replacement motors for mantua, bowser and varney.

Here's a motor they made to as a replacement in my Varney Docksider:

They also sent me replacement motors and worms for old Mantua and Bowser locomotives I redid.  Can't find any pix at the moment.  They also come with the proper mounting bracket... and not expensive in my opinion.



Motor comes with the worm that matches the original axle drive gears.


FYI, from the Yardbird site:

Quote4/1/2015 - Please Note:
Dan has recently retired and is no longer doing repair work.  We would like to thank all of the many customers and friends we've had over the years.  It has been a very good experience for us, and hopefully for you as well.

We have left the website up for reference and a link to our locomotive parts.  We'll be uploading the remaining parts we have to our ebay store throughout the year, so you may want to check back often.

Once again, thanks so much for your past patronage!

Almost all of the parts have been sold off. There's not much left on the 'Parts' listing.

If at first you don't succeed, throw it in the spare parts box.


I hadn't heard.  That's too bad.  Dan had some useful parts for us tinkers.



electrical whiz kid

Jonathan et al;
I did get what I needed.  I know any A-5 locomotives had more valve gear then these (Model Power et al) had produced.  This worked out well.  I had heard of 'Yardbird" before.  It is too bad that [they are] going away.  In terms of building or re-building locomotives, I have a good-sized roster-at least one that satisfies me; so I am going to concentrate on other facets here.  Jonathan; good photos.  Glad you, Len and others, are here.

Rich C.   


What does this have to do with Bachmann? ;DMust have some insider thing going with yardie.He was all over me for asking a question about a Mantua car that had a die cast under-frame that was going to be used to finish a Bachmann gondola project. Oh well. Nice old loco you have there with a motor that can be dcc powered/controlled.Does it have dcc in the future plans? Reason for the question is just a curiosity of how this good old stuff is upgraded and modernized to keep her going with a good rebuild rather then in the scrap line.

electrical whiz kid

To the best of my knowledge, this is an open forum in which model railroaders can exchange thoughts, information, and factual references; as well as links to pertinent sites.  I think that, if someone got on here and wrote inappropriately, Bachmann might have a thing or two to say.
If you, myself, et al, couldn't deal with Bachmann, thee are certainly other sites out there.  Bachmann is not a panacea for the woes of the world; they are a good convenient site.  Most of us, from time to time, may have an issue with Bachmann-this is the nature of the beask.  (Popeye)

Rich C.


I am actually wondering what this has to do with Bachmann Trains....
It really isn't a "public" forum - it is run by Bachmann and is intended for the discussion of Bachmann products. Discussing other manufacturers products in relation to Bachmann products is fine but I sometimes have issues when it comes to using our forum for the discussion of a specific manufacturers products -I'm sure you guys can understand this....

electrical whiz kid

I am under the impression-and I believe I am right in this-that any public forum, whether run by a mfgr, spec. int. gp, or whatever-as long as it is a PUBLIC forum-is subject to rights under the first amendment.  I may be wrong, but if you look it up in the Bill of Rights, I think you will find I am right.  I am strong about this, being a Vietnam Vet, and feeling as I-and my Vet brothers and sisters-have earned those rights, and we have earned them the hard way.  Now, I will shut up about that. 
Also, I have been using your products ever since I swung back in to HO standard Gauge, and have been extremely satisfied with the quality of them.  It is, under the best of circumstances, a pretty tall order to produce a steam locomotive to the standards presented here on an everyday basis.  I am also aware that things change.  In this case, Bowser dropped production of steam inventory.  I hadn't been aware of the 'fire sale' on parts until recently, so I plug into any and all refs.  Also, I am not the greatest modeler out here, so will take "ALLLLLLLLL" the help I can get-and there are some pretty knowledgeable heads on this site. At any rate, onward and upward.

Rich C.


Rich - this online forum is actually a private online community not a public social network. You have the right to say what you want but we have an obligation to monitor the site according to the rules we have set in place. Private online communities are designed to give business and membership organizations maximum control over the structure and management of their community. Please don't take any of this the wrong way - we have an obligation to the people who joined this community to keep things centered around our products and "on the right track" so to speak  ;)

electrical whiz kid

That is fine-I have no problem with what you say here.  Yes; you do have an obligation to the members to keep an eye on what goes on. I can certainly accept and desire that in  a site. 
As I aforesaid, I am happy with the Bachmann products I have.  Also, I agree with not maligning Bachmann-or any other product-or castigating them here; that is in very poor posture-I don't care who it is. 
I consider this site-as well as a few others-to be an excellent source of information, and am happy with it's presence.
Also, I am happy with the decorum made by both the site masters, and the reading public.
If you factor these things along with free press, speech et al, then we have here a great family.  Am I right?

Rich C.



what would be the policy regarding your partner blue rail trains, who are developing aftermarket Bluetooth boards compatable with ez app?
Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA


To quote myself:
"Discussing other manufacturers products in relation to Bachmann products is fine..."
Their product is incorporated into Bachmann trains so there is no problem. Before this goes any further let's not get into semantics. Bachmann is the final word on what stays on the Bachmann website - 'nuff said.