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Forum "Top of Page" Button Needed

Started by Len, July 06, 2016, 09:29:21 AM

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Could the webmaster please add a "Top of Page" or "Back to Top" button at the bottom of the page? Some discussions get rather long, and having to do the [Ctrl][Page UP] or scroll all the way back is a bit of a pain. Being able to just click a "Top of Page" button or link would be much handier.

If at first you don't succeed, throw it in the spare parts box.

Ken G Price

Since I have a keyboard with a 'Home' (goes to top of page) and a 'End' button, (goes to bottom of page) it has never been a problem I have had.

If I do  [Ctrl][Page UP] it takes me back to the last tab and not the page top on the current tab.
I must be different on different brands of keyboards.
Odd, it is.
Ken G Price N-Scale out west. 1995-1996 or so! UP, SP, MoPac.
Pictures Of My Layout,

James in FL

@ Len and @Ken
I'm on Win 7
I am using Firefox v47.0.1
What browser and version are you using?


I'm on Linux Mint 17.3 using Firefox 47.0. I could do the [Ctrl][Homepage] thing, but then I have to take my hand away from the mouse I just scrolled down the page with. Most of the other forums I look at either have to "Return to Top/Top of Page" button, or a repeat of the top of page links at the bottom of the page. It doesn't seem like it would be that hard to add.

If at first you don't succeed, throw it in the spare parts box.


Good Evening All :  My current keyboard  Has both "Home" & "End"  and  "Page Up" & "Page Down"  Keys  and  Both sets do the same thing as going to the top of the page and to the bottom of the page .  I am currently using  Windows   system  10  having upgraded  from System Seven .  J2.

Ken G Price

Quote from: Jhanecker2 on July 07, 2016, 08:55:35 PM
Good Evening All :  My current keyboard  Has both "Home" & "End"  and  "Page Up" & "Page Down"  Keys  and  Both sets do the same thing as going to the top of the page and to the bottom of the page .  I am currently using  Windows   system  10  having upgraded  from System Seven .  J2.
I have the same, with Firefox 47.0. The newer keyboards seem to have these, Home" & "End"  and  "Page Up" & "Page Down"  Keys features.
Ken G Price N-Scale out west. 1995-1996 or so! UP, SP, MoPac.
Pictures Of My Layout,


Keep Calm and Carry On


To  Jbrock27  :  It  is like any upgrade .  The computer I am currently using started  life as a  Vista  , with  a free upgrade to System seven that I eventually installed and that worked   OK and the graphics were better  .    Eventually the  system  messed  up and a went  to my   IT   repair  person and she  had to switch me to Google Chrome to allow me internet access again .  That is still working all right  .    Windows had been  pushing  to have  everybody  switch  system  10 after the failure of  System  8  and 8.1  .    I heard a lot of complaints  from people about those  .    System  10   made  some of  Video  games operate  much better than before and  I still can use  most of the  programs   or  "apps"   if  and when   I can find them again .  The thing  I miss  is the loss of the windows games  I   had before the  upgrades  .    The  major reason  I  switched  was that   support  for the earlier  systems  was going to be terminated sooner due to the ubiquity of the  system  10  .   So far so good .    I may even try to install  some of the Video games i could not get to work previously .   John2


Thank you for the response and info.  You have come a long way :)  I have 8.1 and have never had or heard of any "failures".

Bc of having pre 10 games, I don't wish to risk to switch to 10 and compromising them.
Keep Calm and Carry On


To  Jbrock27 :  the failures  I eluded to  were failures of popularity . The systems  were radically different from the previous systems  and  catered to a different type of user  and were unpopular  and more difficult  use for a good number of people .  Some of the applications were dumped  &  some were kept in system 10.  Hopefully  any revisions  will be better thought out  and tested  before being applied  .   John2.


I don't know what this has to do with Bachmann or trains.  I will add my 2 cents anyway.  I liked 8.1, windows 10, I can't find anything.


Seems like what started as a simple request for a "Top of Page" button has gotten a bit off into left field.

And that's why I like Linux Mint, if a new version comes out I can upgrade, or not. My choice. And being 'open source', support is still available even for versions that have technically reached the 'end of life' point.

If at first you don't succeed, throw it in the spare parts box.


Quote from: RAM on July 12, 2016, 11:46:32 PM
I don't know what this has to do with Bachmann or trains.

Doesn't it though, because we all accesses and post to this site using some form of computer?  

Personally, I find it to be a more worthwhile discussion than requesting a Top of Page button from a manufacturer that does what IT wants.  That request will go as far as the Topics that start out asking "why doesn't Bachmann make...?"

Quote from: Len on July 13, 2016, 04:06:29 AM
And that's why I like Linux Mint, if a new version comes out I can upgrade, or not. My choice.


It's also my choice to upgrade or not, from Windows 8.1 to 10.  No one is going to make me.  Now, if it makes sense to me to...
Keep Calm and Carry On


I like Windows 10.  Not bad, just different looking in some ways and takes some getting use to, just like anything new.
Keep Calm and Carry On