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Started by UPTODAY, December 23, 2015, 12:59:43 PM

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Hi everybody!A while back on tv I thought I saw a lavender brake van?Am I losing it?

Jacob Wilson

Quote from: UPTODAY on December 23, 2015, 12:59:43 PM
Hi everybody!A while back on tv I thought I saw a lavender brake van?Am I losing it?

I have seen most Thomas & Friends Episodes, but I cannot remember seeing a lavender Brake Van. Funny colour if you ask me!


Quote from: UPTODAY on December 23, 2015, 12:59:43 PM
Hi everybody!A while back on tv I thought I saw a lavender brake van?Am I losing it?
Do you mean in the TV Series of Thomas and Friends? I don't recall a lavender coloured brake van ever appearing in any epsiode, perhaps it could be one's eyes playing tricks on them, which is normal, it happens to the best of us :)

When in doubt, the TTTEWikia generally is very reliable at steering people in the right direction, to date I have seen no brake van coloured lavendar, but I wouldn't put it past brands like Trackmaster or Learning Curve to add one to their ranges respectively.

For more information on brakevans throughout the series (and a good gallery of references for what they looked like), this link should be rather helpful:
As I said before, I don't recall them ever having existed in the Thomas and Friends TV Series, and given brakevans are only really coming back now that the writing quality is improving, I don't think the animators or the script writers/editors or story board artists would introduce a lavender brakevan.


Jacob Wilson

Quote from: AJW98Productions on December 23, 2015, 01:11:01 PM
Quote from: UPTODAY on December 23, 2015, 12:59:43 PM
Hi everybody!A while back on tv I thought I saw a lavender brake van?Am I losing it?
Do you mean in the TV Series of Thomas and Friends? I don't recall a lavender coloured brake van ever appearing in any epsiode, perhaps it could be one's eyes playing tricks on them, which is normal, it happens to the best of us :)

When in doubt, the TTTEWikia generally is very reliable at steering people in the right direction, to date I have seen no brake van coloured lavendar, but I wouldn't put it past brands like Trackmaster or Learning Curve to add one to their ranges respectively.

For more information on brakevans throughout the series (and a good gallery of references for what they looked like), this link should be rather helpful:
As I said before, I don't recall them ever having existed in the Thomas and Friends TV Series, and given brakevans are only really coming back now that the writing quality is improving, I don't think the animators or the script writers/editors or story board artists would introduce a lavender brakevan.


I would be really surprised if the writers / animators would put a Lavender Brake Van in the programme. It's not a realistic railway colour at all.


Most of the engine liveries aren't realistic either. Inauthentic colors are nothing new to the show. (E.G. Red Trucks)


The CGI episodes usually use a dark-purple colored brake van that might appear a lavender hue on certain televisions, but that's all I can think of. Think like the "Blue and Black Dress" ordeal that happened earlier this year.

Jacob Wilson

Quote from: Sparks on December 23, 2015, 04:39:07 PM

The CGI episodes usually use a dark-purple colored brake van that might appear a lavender hue on certain televisions, but that's all I can think of. Think like the "Blue and Black Dress" ordeal that happened earlier this year.

I don't recognise those Brake Van's. Maybe that is what UPTODAY is talking about, but I really don't like them. I certainly hope Bachmann or Hornby do not release them!


SPARKS;you nailed it!!!!the faded purple,top foto,is the brake van i saw!

P.S.I think Jacob wants santa to bring him a purple brake van!!!!

Jacob Wilson

Quote from: UPTODAY on December 23, 2015, 05:40:38 PM
SPARKS;you nailed it!!!!the faded purple,top foto,is the brake van i saw!

P.S.I think Jacob wants santa to bring him a purple brake van!!!!

HAHAHA, UPTODAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I would not be happy with a Purple Brake Van! The worst colour for Wagons in railways!


It seems more like a shade of gray to me, it also probably has to due with the lighting, considering how Arc Studios has had different lighting for each season they've done.

I also don't see what the problem is with the color. It really doesn't seem any different from the model era.

Griffin (TheBlueSnowplow)

Not to be rude to everyone involved in this, but this is a bit of a silly thing to post on a Model Trains forum. I might direct you do the Sodor Island Forums; their discussions are more rounded in terms of being about all aspects of the Thomas-verse.  ;)

Jacob Wilson

Quote from: RyanGNR on December 25, 2015, 01:28:51 PM
Not to be rude to everyone involved in this, but this is a bit of a silly thing to post on a Model Trains forum. I might direct you do the Sodor Island Forums; their discussions are more rounded in terms of being about all aspects of the Thomas-verse.  ;)

The reason why it was posted, is because UPTODAY wanted to confirm he had seen one in the Thomas & Friends TV Series. He must have a got confused or something.


Quote from: Jacob Wilson on December 25, 2015, 02:02:34 PM
Quote from: RyanGNR on December 25, 2015, 01:28:51 PM
Not to be rude to everyone involved in this, but this is a bit of a silly thing to post on a Model Trains forum. I might direct you do the Sodor Island Forums; their discussions are more rounded in terms of being about all aspects of the Thomas-verse.  ;)

The reason why it was posted, is because UPTODAY wanted to confirm he had seen one in the Thomas & Friends TV Series. He must have a got confused or something.
I think RyanGNR's point is that this kind of topic can easily be brought up in The Everything Thomas Thread, but could also be more suited to a website more generalised to the Thomas franchise, not Bachmann specifically. Now as this thread has served its due course, I recommend we cease posting and let it stop appearing. It's already outstretched it's original welcome I think, granted I'm making it worse, but I'm trying to tie off any loose ends.
Anyway, my best wishes to all, and I bid you all adieu for now,