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N scale Bachmann milw train F7s and GP9

Started by RGW, November 06, 2015, 10:00:10 AM

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I stripped the paint off some older Bachmann Plus/spectrum F units and painted the units for Milwaukee road and added slight weathering (layout era late 50s) and am very happy with them.
The f7B (plus model) has white gears that are cracked so I converted it to a dummy. The third engine is the Bachmann GP7 ( yes I know Milw did not has GP7s but it is close enough to a GP9 for me)  Also runs great and the speed range (DCC on board )   is not too different from  the Fs even thought I run DC . The Bachmann  paint strips well with  91% isopropal alcohol.   

Just thought I would share.


Did not notice the bump in the track  in the video before. That is  where the lay out has a seem between two sections ,I hid it under some grass mat and and the station.I have since fix/ improve this.


I did the same thing with a Pennsylvania GP7. I converted it to Conrail #5759, added trainline air hoses, MU hoses, figures in the cab, and separately-applied grab irons and windshield wipers. I also added an MRC #1955 sound decoder with sugar-cube speaker. Sounds awesome and looks awesome!