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Crossing Gate Idea/ Debut Post

Started by Will3iamLuvzTrainz, August 31, 2015, 02:35:00 AM

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Hi, name's William, or Will (not giving my last name), I'm new but you won't see me too often, I just came to ask questions and share ideas. Little more background info, I have Asperger's Syndrome, some of you are too, I'm highly into trains but more into crossings, especially gated crossings and crossings with flashing red lights, preferably American style flashing light signals. Been into railroad crossings ever since I was a baby.

Enough small-talk. In this topic, I want to talk about Bachmann crossing gates, and an idea I have for certain crossing gates that I've been thinking that Bachmann could start manufacturing.

See these crossing gates down below:


Pretty much the same kinds of crossing gates as each other, except one set comes with almost completely albino signals and the other with more accurately colored signals and actual grade crossing pieces.

These gates are black and white striped. I however, was thinking of seeing these same types of crossing gates, only in red and white striping. Basically red and white versions of these crossing gates.

And why not? Red and white gates are more modern in this country (and my most favorite stripe color). And if it happened with these crossing gates:

So why not the non-operating crossing gates in red and white too? I can only imagine what they look like but @ Bachmann, do you think you'll produce such products?

I mean I know some model railroaders have probably purchased the black and white gates and repainted them to match the more modern red and white gates, but I keep thinking of Bachmann creating and manufacturing these same types of crossing gates but red in lieu of black (the stripes, not the gate post or gate base, that can stay black, or maybe be silver, I mean it can be red too but that might be too much red, even for me.

It's just something I'd like to see and if I really want to, maybe I'll purchase a set, but I'd like just the gates, I'm not a huge fan of the signals, even the accurately colored signals. I prefer signals closer to the US style like the Busch 5934 crossing signals, which I have five pairs of (one doesn't work anymore and I'm planning to purchase one more set.) I'm talking about this: These look a little more realistic and I prefer these most. They're about the same size of the Bachmann signals.

But I'd like the gates without the signals, if possible and if I ever decide to purchase them over the counter or order online.

And it's not just for me, perhaps other model railroaders and whomever would like to see the non-operating gates in red and white. I think that would be quite interesting.

One thing I don't understand about these crossing gates is why there's space or gaps in between the black stripes. You can stick a needle through those. Oh well, I guess that's they way their made.

But these gates do not just have to go with the Bachmann signals, these crossing gates, as well as NJ International's gates, go great with:

-Model Power HO Crossing Signals (I saw this at a Train Show once.)
-The said Busch 5934 crossing signals
-NJ International's 1090 crossbuck signals (discontinued unfortunately)
-NJ International's 1190 Boulevard-Over The Road signals (also discontinued unfortunately)

Would you (anyone reading this) also use these crossing gates with Tomar H-862 crossing signals, NJ International 1095 crossing signals, Detail West crossing signals, or Oregon Rail Supply signals too? Well, I guess I probably would too if I had those such four signals, but again, I'm more for the Busch signals, although I do use Bachmann lighted signals, the 42421 black 2-lite signals (more on those on another topic) Sakai Seisakusho Crossing Signals, an Atlas crossing signal, and NJ International 1190 signals.

So if you never thought of using crossing gates with such signals, I encourage you to, whether black and white or red and white and whatever signal(s) you use.

This is just one subject I had in mind. I have more to talk about but as far as Bachmann supplies go but this is for crossing gates only, or for the most part. For the record, I made the word red in it's color just for a thrill.

I would have emailed this to Bachmann themselves like I did before and did get a reply but I was told to post it on the forum, or read that I should do that that's why I joined this forum and put my idea on this instead of emailing it. They won't reply to my email if I send it to them.

Please be sure to check out my other/second post,30693.msg226447.html#msg226447


I'm back with an image I, well, didn't make but modified to show you and give you a better idea of what I mean by my idea of the Bachmann movable crossing gates having red and white stripes instead of black and white stripes. (Others may have had this idea too)

This picture can also be found on

This is something I would like Bachmann to take into consideration. By the way, although I'm just about satisfied with the picture, I'm not going to say I did a good job on this, this could be better.

I'd like to hear what you guys have to say about this, if you're interested and if you want. Thanks for looking.
