can you mix E-Z track steel alloy with Nickel Silver track pieces?

Started by centexhank, July 11, 2015, 07:02:02 PM

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I am starting a lay out & some of the silver E-Z track pieces are a better radius for the 89' Thrall Bi-Level Auto Carrier & Bachmann EMD DD40AX Centennial I purchased. The DD40AX says it works better on at least a 22 radius and the auto carrier needs a 24 radius. My DCC E-Z command set has 18 rad curves and 22 rad curves are available in steel, but to go any further on the radius Bachmann Nickel Silver E-Z track is all I have found.


You can mix them, meaning they will work together but the steel is going to be a pain the neck to keep clean and conducting as well as the nickel silver.  If you were able to, you would be better off to replace the steel with nickel silver.
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