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Locomotive request for Bachmann

Started by MCENTRAL, March 24, 2015, 10:20:48 AM

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Hello , I really like what I am seeing out of your new product line of diesels and have purchased many since they seem to have the correct per

portions scale width hoods ,flush fitting glass and great paint jobs and print work for a good affordable price.I am from Michigan near Dearborn

.Henrey Ford territory and see that Bachmann has taken a page right out of his philosophy with building a fine product that the average man can

a FORD .I would like to request a scale width hood sd45.I see that you do sell the mechanism in your catalog dcc ready and A member at our

club has the mechanism under his completely kitbashed sd45 shell that is scale width and he said it fit the mechanism with no modifications

and the frame is already set up for a nose light and or marker lights the way it was caste and is very good  .He did not use the old Bachmann

original shell since he models the NW and they have hi hoods that would not fit the Bmann sd45 to modify because it was too tall and too

wide ,but strangely enough the frame accepts a scale width hood.Just like to see what the Bman can come up with a new sd45 since the new stuff look really great. Thanks for the upgrades!


i was under the impression that the sperctrum sd45s already had scale width hoods. I certainly never noticed the difference. they are not wide like the old athearn bodies were.
Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA


They are close ,but not like the new line of diesels that seems to be a lot more dimentially accurate then the older stuff from the 90's the last time it was made.