Bachmann Locamotives all run at different speeds

Started by PatBarr, October 07, 2013, 02:58:01 PM

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I've bought three Bachmann HO Locamotives, GP-40.  They all run at different speeds and some a lot different.  Is this normal?  I would think the same manufacture and model would run pretty close to each other.

Thanks, Pat



Not surprisingly, models of different locomotives run at different speeds on our layouts. However, there is often a little variation between examples of a model by the same manufacturer. This variation should be minimal unless thereare other differences, too. For example, a well broken in loco will likely run faster than a new one right out of the box. A recently serviced loco with clean wheels will generally outpace an identical locomotive which needs to be lubed and have its wheels cleaned. A worn out loco won't run as well as a new one. These differences aren't necessarily great ones, but they are normal. If your speed differentials are large, read on.

Did you purchase your models new or used? Are they DC or DCC? If they are used, you may be observing normal variance based on different histories. If they are DCC and used, the prior owners may have programmed different performance variables (CVs) into them. If that is the situation, and I must admit that I suspect that is the case, start by returning all of the locos to their default CV values. Then you can make minor adjustments to obtain consistent performance characteristics.

Good luck!
                                                                                                                                                                            -- D




I'm with Donaldon on this.  I have many Bachmann HO GPs, and after lubing and running them in, they MU easily.  Some of the engines may still have a little variance in speed, but when pulling trains MUd they function fine.   I believe most all of these type engines have the exact same motors and drive trains.

Hope this helps.



You can add resistors into the wiring of the faster engine or engines to slow them down. As long as the engines are close to each other in speed - say within 10-20% - they should be fine running together. The only way to make them really run the same is to convert to DCC.


Over the years it always helped when I broke in a pair of locos mued together from the start....seemed to help with running them together.


Biggest difference I see is between DC vs DCC.  The last locomotive I bought was new DCC, I only have DC track, and it ran a lot slower even after break-in.  I replaced the circuit board with a non-DCC one and it works fine now.

Good idea about breaking in two locomotives coupled together to help them run at the same speed.

Thanks, Pat


A use posted that

"...If they are DCC and used, the prior owners may have programmed different performance variables (CVs) into them. If that is the situation, and I must admit that I suspect that is the case, start by returning all of the locos to their default CV values. Then you can make minor adjustments to obtain consistent performance characteristics."

Do I still need to be concerned about CV value if I'm only running them on DC?  If so how do I reset the CV to factory default?


Factory reset is performed by setting CV 8 to a value of 8. You need an advanced  DCC system to do this of course.


running a dcc locomotive on dc will affect performance. the decoder will use about 5-6 volts before the locomotive starts to move. if you are going to run these on dc, it is best to remove the decoder.
Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA